World Down Syndrome Day: Raising Awareness of the Inclusive Community

Alethea Mshar
Special needs mom and Blogger
03/19/18  5:20 PM PST

March 21, 3/21, is World Down Syndrome Day (WDSD).

Why this day? Because people with Down Syndrome have three copies of their twenty-first chromosome, also known as Trisomy 21, March 21 has been declared a day of awareness about Down syndrome.

Why Does That Matter? We all live in a community. We work, learn, create and meet our physical needs by going out into the world and interacting with others. For many people with Down syndrome, those opportunities have been severely limited, and for some, they haven’t been available at all. People with Down syndrome offer countless skills and abilities to their communities, at school, in the workplace, and in recreation. Some community members are not able to look past stereotypes of people with Down syndrome.

Not everyone recognizes the value of a fully inclusive community. Not only are they missing out on experiencing the benefits of people with Down syndrome in an inclusive community, people with Down syndrome are missing out on opportunities in their communities.

How to Raise Awareness for World Down Syndrome Day

The goal of World Down Syndrome Day 2018 is to raise awareness of what people with Down syndrome bring to their communities. One suggested activity is to wear colorful socks. The key is to really show them off, so when people ask, you can explain that you’re wearing such colorful socks to start conversations about the abilities of people with Down syndrome and the advantages of creating an inclusive community.

world down syndrome day

There is also a video event with the hashtag #WhatIBringToMyCommunity. Make a video of someone you love with Down syndrome showing what they bring to their community, and put it on your favorite social media channel or the WDSD YouTube Channel.

As a runner, my favorite way to celebrate the day is to get out for a 3.21 mile walk/jog with Alex and Ben, my children with Down syndrome, and make sure to share some photos with my friends. I might even multitask and make this into a fundraising opportunity.

world down syndrome day

Show your support for World Down Syndrome Day by sharing posts or pictures with #LotsOfSocks, #WDSD18, #WorldDownSyndromeDay  #DownSyndromeInclusion.

Whatever you do, mark your calendars for World Down Syndrome Day 2018, and be ready to tell the world just what you or your loved ones bring to your community as a person with Down syndrome!

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