Be Prepared for OASIS-D: Effective January 2019

Product Specialist | Shield HealthCare
09/10/18  3:59 PM PST

What is OASIS?

The Outcome and Assessment Information Set (OASIS) is a series of data points collected for Medicare/Medicaid patients receiving skilled services that are age 18 and over and not pre- or postpartum. Data is collected at three points during patient care and submitted accordingly.

Based on the OASIS data submitted CMS provides HHAs with reports including but not limited to:

  • Agency Patient-Related Characteristics (Case Mix)
  • Outcome
  • Potentially Avoidable Event
  • Process Tally
  • Home Health Compare Provider Preview
  • Quality Assessment Only (QAO) Performance
  • Home Health Review and Correct

This reporting untimely serves as a tool for home health agencies (HHA) to improve quality of care and to prevent interruption of funding. Individual HHA reporting and scores are also available to the public on the the Home Health Compare website.

Your agency’s positive outcomes can attract both new patients and potential new employees.

What has changed with OASIS 

The latest version of OASIS will take effect January 2019. OASIS-D was has been updated to increase standardization of care and ongoing compliance to the IMPACT Act of 2014. Find the complete list of OASIS-D changes here.

Summary of changes:

  • Revision to many Response Specific Instructions
  • Removal of items in Integumentary, ADL/ADIs, & Therapy Need and Plan of Care
  • Updated skip patterns
  • New items in sections GG & J
    • Functional Abilities and Goals
    • Self-Care at SOC/ROC, Follow-up & Discharge
    • Mobility at SOC/ROC, Follow-up & Discharge
    • Health Conditions

Did you know incontinence can directly affect you OASIS Scores?

Shield Healthcare has your solution…

Screening patients for incontinence is important in the home healthcare setting to prevent falls and incontinence associated dermatitis (IAD), in addition to improving each patient’s quality of life.

How Shield HealthCare can help:

  • Consult our specialists for recommendations related to every unique size and complex medical need. Shield HealthCare offers regular educational in-services that teach updated best practices in wound, ostomy & incontinence care.
  • Living Well with Incontinence – Here you’ll find information on the different types of incontinence, key product types for incontinence care, the importance of skin care, fall prevention strategies, lifestyle tips and more.
  • Ask your local Shield HealthCare representative for a copy of our Home Fall Prevention Tips to help reduce your patient’s risk of falls in the home.
  • Ask your local Shield HealthCare representative for a copy of Strategies for aging Safely at Home.

Download Here: OASIS-D January 2019


OASIS-D Guidance Manual



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