Ostomy Inspiration

Aimee Sharp
Author | Shield HealthCare
01/25/15  6:30 PM PST
Women are moving up the ladder.

We all have down days; sometimes a little inspiration can help lift our spirits, motivate us to nurture our support network, and remind us to be kind to ourselves. Your ostomy doesn’t have to stop you from living your life just the way you would like. You don’t have to let your stoma and pouch define you.

Looking for even more inspiration? Head over to our Facebook community and find great stories like this one: “End of May will be 2 years for me and I have never had anyone stare or point at my bag area. Yes, the first couple months I couldn’t imagine ever getting used to wearing so-called normal clothes. Now I wear everything I want just like before. I do get a little emotional sometimes when changing the wafer, but I still can’t believe how far I have come since I’m the biggest baby ever! Lol” -T.

And this one: “Nothing has changed. I still do what I did before my ostomy. I can’t eat certain foods, but that’s ok. At least I’m not bonded to the bathroom as before.” -N.

Get inspired! Find the pick-me-up you need, or offer your support to our community here:

Shield HealthCare | Medical Supplies For Care At Home Since 1957

Serving Medicare Ostomates Nationwide
Dear Laura, I wear a two piece ostomy bag. I need help with concealing an ostomy bag. When I move around my shirt hikes up and the tip of the bag peeks out from under my shirt.
Hi Tom, I have a few suggestions that may help!
First, I'm wondering if a stealth belt would be a good option for you. This is a black belt that you can conveniently tuck your pouch...

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