Stomas and Seat Belts | Ask Laura

Laura Cox, LPC
Ostomy Lifestyle Specialist | Shield HealthCare
09/02/16  11:33 PM PST
Sports utility vehicle driving on rural road, rear view

In this Ask Laura article, Laura discusses whether having a stoma and seat belt next to each other is okay.

Hi Laura,

My family and I are taking a road trip over the holiday. I wanted to know what accessories should be used when starting to drive or ride in a car. Since the stoma is right next to the seat belt, I think there should be something there to cover it.

-Jonathan in Colorado


Hi Jonathan,

Great question! It all depends on if the seat belt is coming in contact with your stoma. If the seat belt does not come in contact with your stoma, no additional accessories are needed. If the seat belt does come in contact, you can use a stoma guard or a seat belt cover to protect the stoma. There are many different companies that make stoma guards. I have one from Stomaplex (I wear it when I go bodyboarding), but if you do a quick Google search, you can shop around and find the one that seems right for you. You can read more about my recommendation of a stoma guard in my post, Exercising with an Ostomy | Products that can Help. Good luck!



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