“Coming To My Senses” – New Documentary Featuring Aaron Baker, Spinal Cord Injury Lifestyle Specialist

Aimee Sharp
Author | Shield HealthCare
01/09/18  2:37 PM PST

In this video, our Spinal Cord Injury Lifestyle Specialist Aaron Baker travels to the Austin Film Festival to watch the premiere of “Coming To My Senses,” a feature-length documentary showcasing Aaron’s walk across Death Valley and his recovery efforts following his 1999 Motocross accident that left him with a spinal cord injury.

You can now find “Coming To My Senses” on Netflix.

Find a full trailer of the documentary and more information about the film here.

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  1. I am blown away by your will power to over come traditional medical practices and philosophies. You will be an beacon to help others regain hope, strength, life. Not just with folks that have spinal injuries, but all other health impairments in between. Thank you for sharing through this documentary.

  2. just watched aaron baker’s compelling story last night. very true, the medical community is quick to write accident survivors off as “this is it”. mom’s love and support enable aaron to work to come back and continue working to improve. aaron and his mother very similar. my own aaron suffered a tbi in 2007. thrown from a pickup, his head received the brunt of his landing. so necessary to be there 24/7, ensuring the best, pushing for all needs to be met and monitoring all. early on clear my son was good mentally, shook up and banged up badly, nerves damaged, lots to combat brain swelling, multiple therapies, surgeries, speech after trach, repairs to throat to enable eating, eyesight returned as nerves healed, implants in ears, so much stuff. family help/love is key. recovery does take years, yet every step forward encourages the forward movement, getting life back. yes, as aaron baker discovers the quiet beauty of the desert in his therapeutic walking journey, forcefully slowed from life before accident, he can appreciate all he missed before, reflecting on what is truly important and yet staying true to yourself, who you are. my aaron as well. frustrations become triumphs. thank you aaron baker for sharing your journey and helping others. truly inspiring.

    1. Thank you for reaching out with your comment. I am very happy to know you could relate to the film. I would say your son Aaron and I are very fortunate to have the love and fierce support of our mothers. I owe everything to my mother. She has always been my rock and my wind. Without her, I would not be the man I am today… Clearly I’m a mama’s boy hahaha! I truly wish you and Aaron well. Keep rising! Please feel free to reach out anytime. -Aaron

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