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JacquelineRunner Up
Jacqueline's Story
"What Makes
Caregiving Rewarding?"

Never would I have imagined an opportunity would arise that would allow me to tell my story, on how being a caregiver has been rewarding. I am the caregiver for my son Austin, quite naturally since birth, however over time the need for quality and experience of taking care of a child requiring catheterizing was rare and far to come by. Needing the assistance from my elderly parents was becoming a burden as their health was beginning to falter. Through much prayer and perseverance, I knew a decision needed to be made soon on how Austin was going to be cared for on a day to day basis. In January 1997, Austin had his fifth surgery and with the intensity of catheterizations and maintenance of his health, I realized the time had come and after much prayer, I was willing to sacrifice my career for my Austin's ability to live a fluent life as infection free as possible. Leaving my comfort filled employment and establishing a new career as an in-home childcare provider was a huge change as I set out to best monitor and resolve Austin's on-going health issues.

The reward is seeing the overall progress in Austin's health, he has had less hospitalizations, a happier demeanor, a decrease in urinary infections and he's become a more active and outgoing kid.

Overall, there is no better feeling than when you've helped your child become a social, athletic, confident and supportive person. He has been rewarding to me because of his temperament as he shares happy thoughts and words of encouragement throughout the healthy and sick times. Generally, parents tend to be of encouragement to their children, yet Austin uplifts our spirit throughout the days of transgression. We appreciate all that we've been given and we've come to understand some things in life aren't always easy. But we have adjusted and learned to make our situation and circumstances the best possible while at all times leaning on our Faith. The art and craft of care giving is a continual effort and together for fifteen and a half years we've managed to be successful.

Throughout our fifteen and a half years, Austin has become a very outgoing and jovial kid. I'm so blessed and thankful for having him in my life. He doesn't see his condition as a hindrance yet a blessing because he says, "God doesn't make any mistakes".