Monthly Archive: February 2015

Dressing with an Ostomy

Dressing with an Ostomy

When I first got my ostomy, I thought I was destined to wearing baggy T-shirts, but I was wrong. Dressing with an ostomy can be easy with the right tricks!

Laura Cox, LPC
Uninsured Tax Penalty

Many Uninsured Don’t Realize They May Face A Tax Penalty

In this article, originally published by Kaiser Health News, learn about the uninsured tax penalty that many are unaware of.

Aimee Sharp
Affordable Care Act Medi-Cal Medicaid

Obamacare: Medi-Cal a Waiting Game for Many Low-Income Californians

By Tracy Seipel for The San Jose Mercury News Julie Moreno felt lucky to be among more than 2.7 million previously uninsured Californians to be added to Medi-Cal, the state’s health care program for the poor. Until she needed cataract surgery. For three months after her November 2013 diagnosis, the 49-year-old Mountain View resident said, she… Continue reading Obamacare: Medi-Cal a Waiting Game for Many Low-Income Californians

Aimee Sharp
Affordable Care Act

Obamacare Enrollment Falling Short In Washington State

Obamacare Enrollment Falling Short In Washington State – Originally published by Kaiser Health News. Kaiser Health News (KHN) is a nonprofit national health policy news service. By Lisa Stiffler, The Seattle Times With less than two weeks remaining for people to buy health coverage for 2015, it’s going to be a scramble for the state insurance exchange… Continue reading Obamacare Enrollment Falling Short In Washington State

Aimee Sharp

Disruptions Mount As Illinois Shifts Medicaid Patients To Managed Care

Originally published by Kaiser Health News. Kaiser Health News (KHN) is a nonprofit national health policy news service. By Wes Venteicher, Chicago Tribune When Angelica Hernandez received a letter from the state telling her to pick a Medicaid managed-care plan for her daughter, the Naperville, Illinois, woman chose one that included the doctor’s office where she had always… Continue reading Disruptions Mount As Illinois Shifts Medicaid Patients To Managed Care

Aimee Sharp
Colorado public school

Denver Public Schools is Rewriting Health Goals, Asking for Input

By Yesenia Robles for The Denver Post A new survey is asking Denver Public Schools families to prioritize what they believe are the most pressing health concerns facing students. DPS officials say the answers will help them update the district’s health goals in the Health Agenda 2020. Officials working on the rewrite have studied local health data… Continue reading Denver Public Schools is Rewriting Health Goals, Asking for Input

Aimee Sharp
Texas Health Plans

Texas Insurance Brokers Play Bigger Obamacare Role

Originally published by Kaiser Health News. Kaiser Health News (KHN) is a nonprofit national health policy news service. By Carrie Feibel, Houston Public Media As the health law’s second open enrollment season barrels to a close on Sunday, nearly a million Texans have purchased or applied for health insurance. This time around, insurance brokers are aggressively marketing… Continue reading Texas Insurance Brokers Play Bigger Obamacare Role

Aimee Sharp
Baby’s Colostomy Care

10 Tips for Your Baby’s Colostomy Care

In this article originally published on Preemie Babies 101, Bea Smith discusses her newborn son's colostomy care. Her son Caleb was born with VACTERL.

Aimee Sharp
Good year for Molina

Molina Healthcare’s Q4 Beats Estimates, Closes Year with Record Growth

By Bob Herman for Modern Healthcare Revenue and profit at Molina Healthcare grew rapidly in 2014 as the managed-care insurer continues to show the business potential of Medicaid with the boost from the 2010 healthcare law. Molina turned a $33.8 million profit in the fourth quarter compared with a $9.1 million loss in the same quarter of… Continue reading Molina Healthcare’s Q4 Beats Estimates, Closes Year with Record Growth

Aimee Sharp
Healthcare, Health Care

Confusion, Concern in Olympia About Health-Exchange Budget

In this article from the Seattle Times, read more about what the legislature is expecting from the Washington health-exchange budget.

Aimee Sharp
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Serving Medicare Ostomates Nationwide
For the past few months, I've found my stool has been pasty and sticky. Please tell me what to do to prevent ostomy "pancaking" from sticky stool.|For the past few months, I've found my stool has been pasty and sticky. Please tell me what to do to prevent ostomy "pancaking" from sticky stool.
The first thing I would suggest is to make sure you're drinking enough fluids throughout the day.
Drinking fluids will help make stool less sticky ...