Monthly Archive: July 2015

Affordable Care Act

The Affordable Care Act’s Two Futures

In this article originally published by California Healthline, join several experts as they hypothesize about the future of the Affordable Care Act.

Chris Moynihan
Same product new packaging

Prevail Incontinence Products Packing Update

Starting in August 2017, select incontinence products will undergo an exciting packaging redesign!

Aimee Sharp

Phone Scam Targeting HHSC Clients

Originally posted on the Texas Health and Human Services Website The Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) is warning the public about a scam involving a toll-free number no longer owned by HHSC. People who call the number, 1-800-248-1078, are offered gift cards or other rewards in exchange for their credit card information. HHSC… Continue reading Phone Scam Targeting HHSC Clients

Aimee Sharp
Caregiver Burnout

Study: Calif. Caregivers Provided $57B in Unpaid Care in 2013

Family caregivers in California and other states provided about $470 billion in unpaid care in 2013, according to a study by AARP, CNBC reports. The estimate was based on caregivers providing an average of 18 hours of care per week valued at about $12.51 per hour. The value was calculated using median home health aide… Continue reading Study: Calif. Caregivers Provided $57B in Unpaid Care in 2013

Chris Moynihan
ostomy questions

Webinar Video: OstomyLife with Laura Cox

In this recorded ostomy webinar, Laura Cox answers ostomy questions like how to dress with an ostomy, how to sleep comfortably with an ostomy and more.

Aimee Sharp
World Breastfeeding Week

World Breastfeeding Week 2015

During this year's World Breastfeeding Week, we're focusing on providing information to moms who are interested in breastfeeding or currently breastfeeding.

Amy Long Carrera, MS, RD, CNSC, CWCMS
Texas hospital alliance

States May Tap Hospitals To Help Pay For Medicaid Expansion In 2017

Policymakers in Medicaid expansion states likely will try to wring some cash from hospitals starting in 2017 when the federal government no longer pays the full tab for the coverage expansion, experts say. Higher-than-expected enrollment means expansion states will be on the hook for hundreds of millions more than they anticipated when they took advantage… Continue reading States May Tap Hospitals To Help Pay For Medicaid Expansion In 2017

Chris Moynihan
common breastfeeding challenges

Shield HealthCare Celebrates National Breastfeeding Month

Shield HealthCare’s is excited to be celebrating National Breastfeeding Month. Our Breastfeeding Community provides information on a variety of topics.

Brooke Phillips, CWCMS
California Dual Eligibles Project

Medi-Cal Enrollment Growth Could Strain California’s Budget

California has enrolled nearly three times as many consumers as expected in Medi-Cal under the Affordable Care Act’s expansion of the program, placing financial strain on the state as the federal government begins reducing matching funds, the AP/Salinas Californian reports (Lin, AP/Salinas Californian, 7/19). Medi-Cal is California’s Medicaid program. More than a dozen other states… Continue reading Medi-Cal Enrollment Growth Could Strain California’s Budget

Chris Moynihan
Tiempo para usted mismo

Cómo Encontrar Tiempo Para Usted Mismo

Ser cuidador puede ser un trabajo permanente y quizás dificulte encontrar tiempo para usted mismo y para hacer lo que le gusta. Muchos cuidadores...

Gina Flores
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