Two years have passed since the IMPACT Act made quality reporting federal law. Is your business ready for this year's deadlines?
On January 28th 2016, CMS loaded past patient satisfaction surveys to their comparison website. Will the change cause home health stars to rise or fall?
Mi nombre es Pilar y soy venezolana de nacimiento y ciudadana del mundo de corazón. Hace 7 años salí de mi amada Venezuela con la mochila llena de sueños.
State lawmakers, city council members agree new facilities needed for growing vet population, but their plans vary
Lars Wanbergs’s story was a submission to our annual Caregiver Story Contest. He was a finalist in our contest. My father sat on the chair I had placed in the middle of the kitchen ready for his haircut. It would be easier to sweep up the silver clippings from the linoleum floor when I was done.… Continue reading Caregiver Spotlight: Caring for a Father with Bladder Cancer
There are so many issues to think about when it comes to treating wounds, but lifestyle factors can also influence a wound's healing.
Information about abdominal adhesions: How they form, how they're treated, symptoms of abdominal adhesions and how to reduce pain caused by the adhesions.
By Edgar Walters for The Texas Tribune While Texas lawmakers are studying ways to reduce costs in the state’s Medicaid program for the poor and disabled, health insurance companies are making a business pitch. Health plans could save the state roughly $100 million per year, they say, if Texas would give them more freedom to choose… Continue reading Insurers Want More Room for Generic Drugs in Medicaid
Esta es la historia de un niño que nacio con un grave problema de salud, un desorden genetico (esclerosis tuberosa o tuberous sclerosis)...
Join Shield HealthCare on Wednesday April 27, 2016 for a free webinar on:Social Skills Strategies for Children with Special Needs featuring Dr. Aarti Nair.