Tener una ostomía puede ser abrumador al principio. ¡Hay tanto que aprender! Pero con el tiempo usted se dará cuenta de que la vida con una ostomía es muy..
Since he turned 3, I've learned to be the best advocate for my child. Here are some tips on navigating special education and services for your child.
Cada año, unos 1,500 bebés nacen con espina bífida. Esta súper mama cuida de dos niños con espina bífida y toma cada día como una bendición.
Best practices in skin care, including evidence-based measures to prevent, heal and restore skin integrity, are instrumental to improving clinical outcomes
An indwelling catheter (also know as a Foley catheter, because that is the type most often used) is a catheter that stays inside the body during its use. This is how it differs from external catheters (such as condom catheters or female external catheters), which remain completely outside the body, or intermittent catheters, which are… Continue reading Indwelling Catheters (Foley Catheters)
With so many options, it can be hard to pick the ostomy products that are best for you. Fortunately, there are tools to help you narrow down the field.
There are lots of tips for special needs families to manage holiday stress, but if we really want to survive the holidays, we need help from our loved ones.
Is this final part of Aaron Baker's three-part look at wheelchairs, he introduces readers to customization and accessories.
Regresar a casa tras haber estado en el hospital y lidiar con una ostomía requiere comprensiblemente una adaptación muy importante tanto del paciente...
Shellie L. sabe lo que es el verdadero amor cuando mira a los ojos a su hija cada mañana. Saber que su hija padecía de atrofia muscular espinal grave fue...