Parte dos de las tres que forman parte de mi blog acerca de las sillas de ruedas, describe tres fabricantes que ofrecen lo último en diseño y tecnología.
He viajado bastante con mi ostomía en los últimos dos años. Finalmente descubrí una gran rutina que me facilita en viajando con una ostomía.
If you would like to view our recorded webinar “The Importance of Skin Integrity Under the IMPACT Act” Presented by Judy Adams, RN, BSN, HCS-D, HCS-O of Adams Home Care Consulting, Inc., please watch the video above. Click here to open a new tab where you can download a PDF of the slides. This webinar addresses:… Continue reading Webinar Video and Slides: IMPACT Act and Skin Integrity
On January 4, 2017, as California lawmakers, both new and old, make their way to the state Capitol building, healthcare is on the minds of many. The state could lose $20 billion – “That’s how much the state stands to lose in annual federal spending if Republicans repeal the Affordable Care Act,” according to the Los… Continue reading New California Legislature Gathering – Healthcare on the Docket
The CMS states that pre-claim review does not create new documentation requirements, but instead requires that the same documentation be submitted earlier.
El año nuevo ya está sobre nosotros y también lo está la oportunidad de un nuevo comienzo para bien intencionados y nuevas metas.
Our Corporate Registered Dietitian explains ENFit, why it's happening and which enteral devices will adopt ENFit connectors in 2017.
Ensuring that patients/caregivers are successful with enteral nutrition is crucial to home tube feeding safety. Follow these tips to stay healthy at home.