Monthly Archive: March 2017

Colorado Medicaid

Colorado Could Owe Feds Up to $43 Million for Medicaid “Systems Error”

In this article, originally published by The Denver Post, read about the Colorado Medicaid error. Read on to see if feds will make Colorado repay the debt.

Aimee Sharp
Bandage Burns

Can Tilapia Skin be Used to Bandage Burns?

In this article, originally published by STAT News, learn the new ways that doctors are trying to bandage burns: strips of sterilized tilapia.

Aimee Sharp
When to Contact Your Doctor

When to Contact Your Doctor with Stoma Complications or Peristomal Skin Issues

It’s important to know what your healthy stoma and peristomal skin look like. There are some symptoms to watch for. Find a list for each in this article.

Laura Cox, LPC
Peristomal Hernia

Peristomal Hernia | Ask Laura

Shield HealthCare's Ostomy Lifestyle Specialist answers questions about a peristomal hernia. Are they normal? What can I do about them?

Laura Cox, LPC
social worker

20 Ways a Social Worker Helped My Family

Social workers are a crucial resource for parents of children with disabilities. Here are 20 ways they've helped my family and how they might help yours.

Aimee Sharp
Healthcare Competition

Healthcare Competition Needs a Priority Check and Reset, Experts Say

Originally published by Health Leaders Media: two healthcare policy experts discuss how policy helps and/or harms competition in the healthcare marketplace.

Aimee Sharp
Undermine Breastfeeding

How Baby Formula Companies Undermine Breastfeeding

In this article originally published by Huffington Post Canada, learn about recommended changes to Canadian hospital policies to encourage breastfeeding.

Aimee Sharp
Molina Backs Health Law

Faring Better Than Many ACA Insurers, Calif.-based Molina Backs Health Law ‘Tuneup’

By April Dembosky, KQED, originally published on California Healthline Some large health insurance companies have suffered losses under the Affordable Care Act, leading to a few high-profile exits from the online marketplaces. Humana is just the latest, announcing in January that it will stop offering health insurance on the ACA health exchanges at year’s end. But the… Continue reading Faring Better Than Many ACA Insurers, Calif.-based Molina Backs Health Law ‘Tuneup’

Aimee Sharp
car accident

7-Year-Old Defies Expectations and Dances After Car Accident Shatters His Spine

By Rose Minutaglio, originally published by - Learn more about Bruce Mansy and how he is learning how to walk again after a car accident.

Aimee Sharp
IEP Season

How to Be Ready for IEP Season: Parent Tips

IEP Season can be stressful and scary for parents. This mom shares tips on how to prepare yourself physically and mentally.

Amy Noelle Collen
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