Mi lugar de trabajo es mi hogar, y mi tarea es ser mamá y cuidadora de tiempo completo. Cuando hablo de “cuidadora”, me refiero a que brindo cuidados a mi hijo con complejas necesidades de desarrollo, médicas y de la conducta, y que a sus 12 años requiere de mayores cuidados que un niño promedio… Continue reading Nuestro rol en el cuidado como padres de niños con necesidades especiales
Emergency preparedness for a natural disaster is smart for anyone but it’s extraordinarily important if you’re living with a spinal cord injury.
You Can Get Health Insurance in Every Washington County This Year, But It’ll Cost You – By Walker Orenstein for the News Tribune After a turbulent 2018 in Washington state’s individual health insurance market, the situation for people buying insurance independent of an employer appears steadier, if only barely, for next year. Every county in Washington will… Continue reading You Can Get Health Insurance in Every Washington County This Year, But It’ll Cost You
I am on my couch, Googling “travel backpack-special needs-forty plus pounds.” We are - deep breath - taking a family vacation to Colorado in July.
If you've had a kidney stone, you know they can be excruciating. Some lifestyle changes can be made to prevent kidney stones, however if you experience unbearable pain or are worried, it's best to seek medical help.
As I watched my son get ready for prom that morning, my feelings were mixed. My son was over the moon about his big day, but I had other thoughts.