Monthly Archive: May 2019


After Being Diagnosed with Skin Cancer, I’m Doing Everything I Can to Prevent it from Happening Again

Last month, I was sitting in my dermatologist’s office, kicking my heels against the exam chair and wondering how I could possibly be back here for the third time in a year. The answer is fairly obvious, however, when I study myself in the mirror. I am the pale, freckled result of generations of Scots… Continue reading After Being Diagnosed with Skin Cancer, I’m Doing Everything I Can to Prevent it from Happening Again

Jamie Sumner
medications and their effects on incontinence

Medications and Their Effects on Incontinence

Although medications are not necessarily a factor in all incontinence, below is a breakdown of medications that may impact leaks. Talk To Your Healthcare Provider About Medication Effects The first step towards treatment of bladder leaks is a visit to your healthcare provider. They can evaluate your type of incontinence and assess how your current… Continue reading Medications and Their Effects on Incontinence

Brooke Phillips, CWCMS
transition from tube feeding

Cómo pasar de la alimentación por sonda a la alimentación oral

La transición de la alimentación por sonda a la alimentación por vía oral puede ser un proceso lento. Asegúrese de hacerlo correctamente adoptando un enfoque gradual y solicitando la ayuda de su equipo de atención médica.

Amy Long Carrera, MS, RD, CNSC, CWCMS
statement from society of pediatric urology

Statement From Societies For Pediatric Urology

BEVERLY, Mass., April 24, 2019 | PRNewswire Physicians Provide Clarity on Legislation Restricting Medical Options Following several developments in various legislative proposals that would limit medical options for pediatric patients, the Societies for Pediatric Urology issued the following statement to provide information about the dangers associated with the legislation and clarify significant factual errors that… Continue reading Statement From Societies For Pediatric Urology

Brooke Phillips, CWCMS
kidney stone prevention

5 Tips for Preventing Kidney Stones

Kidney stones are extremely common, even affecting young children and teens. Kidney stones are small, pebble-like deposits composed of minerals and salts.

Cassandra Bursma, RD
Give and Take

The Give and Take of Helping a Friend

Whether I want to swallow my pride and accept, or even ask for help is a mute point anyway. I have a family to consider...

Aimee Sharp
J-pouch surgery

J-Pouch Surgery for Ulcerative Colitis

J-pouches are commonly used in the treatment of the IBD disease, ulcerative colitis, when medication management is not available.

Kelsey Scarborough
signs of kidney stones

Signos tempranos de cálculos renales

Si has tenido un cálculo renal, sabes que pueden ser insoportables. Se pueden hacer algunos cambios en el estilo de vida para prevenir los cálculos renales, sin embargo, si experimenta un dolor insoportable o está preocupado, es mejor buscar ayuda médica.

Taylor Snell
how to care for a wound at home

Después del hospital: Cuidado de las laceraciones en el hogar

Aprenda cómo cuidar una herida en su casa que ha sido grapada, suturada, pegada con cinta adhesiva, pegada o simplemente dejada abierta para sanar, y tenga cuidado con estos signos de infección.

Brooke Phillips, CWCMS

Home Care Industry Turnover Reaches All-Time High

Already cited as the No. 1 challenge plaguing home care agencies across the country, the median caregiver turnover rate skyrocketed to 82% in 2018.

Brooke Phillips, CWCMS
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