Monthly Archive: February 2021

Differently-Abled Bodies

Fashion is Finally Making Differently-Abled Bodies a Priority

There aren’t that many choices for differently-abled bodies if you want to look both comfortable and nice. The fashion world assumes...

Jamie Sumner
Pandemic Fatigue

Diagnosis: Pandemic Fatigue

We are all feeling the effects of this pandemic as we are nearing the one-year mark. We are all in this together.

Dr. Liz Matheis
Aaron Baker, Shield HealthCare's Spinal Cord Injury Lifestyle Specialist

Aging with Spinal Cord Injury

We all age... and many things that were once easy become more difficult. This is true for everyone, but especially people with a spinal cord injury.

Aaron Baker
Niño alimentado por sonda

Desde la perspectiva materna: Cómo afianzar el vínculo con un hijo con sonda de alimentación

Al ser madre y profesional en el negocio de la alimentación y la nutrición, Julie comparte sus consejos para crear lazos afectivos con las familias de un niño alimentado por sonda.

Aimee Jaremowicz RD, LDN
bucket list

Here’s Why You Need a Sensory Bucket List

Sight, smell, sound, taste, touch...Go on each other’s sensory bucket list adventures and experience a little of their joy as you share yours.

Jamie Sumner

Nutrition Basics for Pregnancy & Lactation

If you are planning to become pregnant, are pregnant, or are breastfeeding you may be wondering how to enhance your diet. Regardless of where you are in the journey...

Sarah Sanchez, NDTR
Food is fun alimentación por sonda

La alimentación por sonda puede llegar a ser divertida

La alimentación por sonda me dio el espacio para ser madre de él de todas las formas que había anhelado en esos primeros meses. Lo más importante es que ambos nos sentimos agradecidos por la forma en que la comida puede proporcionar consuelo físico y emocional en un momento de necesidad.

Jamie Sumner

Supporting Our Son’s Grief Didn’t Look Like We Expected

As it turns out, our son is not so unusual. Often, people with Down syndrome experience grief differently than we expect, notably a delayed reaction to the news of a death is common.

Aimee Sharp