Monthly Archive: June 2023

World Breastfeeding Week

World Breastfeeding Awareness Week 2023 is happening August 1-8. This year, we focus on breastfeeding at work

Paige Oyaga
mother leans over and gently confronts teen daughter who is sitting in front of her school work playing on her phone. how to stop being the people pleasing parent.

How to Stop Being the People-Pleasing Parent

As parents, many of us are ready to listen for and read the body cues of our children to anticipate their needs. Part of this is perfectly normal. We grew these little people inside our bodies and have agreed to raise them until they are fully-grown creatures who are able to make their own decisions… Continue reading How to Stop Being the People-Pleasing Parent

Dr. Liz Matheis
smiling woman in a wheelchair on the streets of a city, holding the American flag spread behind her shoulders. Celebrating National Disability Independence Day.

National Disability Independence Day

Every July 26 in the United States, we recognize National Disability Independence Day. This annual observance commemorates the momentous signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) into law in 1990. The Americans With Disabilities Act Prior to the 1960s, disabled Americans were broadly viewed as incapable of participating in civic life. Socially, the disabled… Continue reading National Disability Independence Day

Brooke Phillips, CWCMS
anxious girl sitting in the back of a middle school classroom, with her head in her hand. Managing post Covid long anxiety in our children

Guiding Our Children Through Post-Covid Long Anxiety

Here we are, almost 3 years post the COVID-19 virus pandemic that shut down our world instantly and provided new perspective about many of the parts of life that we took for granted. We temporarily lost the freedom to leave our home without protection or worry, to freely interact with others, and to move around… Continue reading Guiding Our Children Through Post-Covid Long Anxiety

Dr. Liz Matheis
image of health insurance form, spotlight on Medicaid radial button. One million struck from Medicaid rolls in 2023.

More than 1 million dropped from Medicaid as states purge rolls

Approx. 1.5 million people have lost Medicaid coverage in more than two dozen states as a post-pandemic purge of the rolls gets underway. More than 1 million people have been dropped from Medicaid in the past couple months as some states moved swiftly to halt health care coverage following the end of the coronavirus pandemic.… Continue reading More than 1 million dropped from Medicaid as states purge rolls

Brooke Phillips, CWCMS
multigenerational family at home. Black grandmother in wheelchair talking with two toddler granddaughters who are sitting on their mother's lap. Sandwich generation.

What is the Sandwich Generation?

The term “sandwich generation” refers to middle-aged adults, ranging from their 30s-60s, who are caring for aging parents and caring for their own children (and/or grandchildren) at the same time. These caregivers are effectively “sandwiched” between the obligation to care for their aging parents — who may be ill, unable to perform various tasks, or… Continue reading What is the Sandwich Generation?

Brooke Phillips, CWCMS
Adult daughter with aging father. Daughter is hugging her father with her face pressed against his, while the older heavyset father smiles happily into the camera

How to Negotiate With Resistant Aging Parents

You’ve reached a standstill with your mother and father, who are in their late 80s. You think they need some help in the home, but they vigorously refuse. You’re frustrated because you want to make their lives easier. They’re angry because they think you’re interfering in their affairs. Can negotiation and dispute resolution techniques used… Continue reading How to Negotiate With Resistant Aging Parents

Brooke Phillips, CWCMS
helping your empathetic child manage big feelings. mother comforting son with his head in his hands.

Helping Your Empathic Child Manage Big Feelings

I don’t know about you, but in my house, my children and I feel BIG. As an empath who has 3 empathic children, our interactions and emotional experiences are a bit more intense than most. Dr. Judy Orloff defines an empathic person as one who is deeply in tune with the feelings of others in… Continue reading Helping Your Empathic Child Manage Big Feelings

Dr. Liz Matheis
service animals for spinal cord injury. White german shepherd service dog laying down next to man in electric wheelchair.

Service Animals for Spinal Cord Injury

Service Animals: Enhancing Independence and Quality of Life As we know, living with a spinal cord injury presents numerous challenges that affect one’s mobility, independence and state of mind. Service animals can play a transformative role, offering both practical assistance and emotional support by enhancing mobility, increasing independence and boosting morale. A well- trained service animal… Continue reading Service Animals for Spinal Cord Injury

Aaron Baker
boy in wheelchair in skating rink. nothing lasts, that doesn't mean it's not worth doing.

It Was Good While It Lasted

Nothing lasts. That doesn’t mean it’s not worth doing. All my twins wanted for their ninth birthday was a party at the skate center. They begged me. They bribed me (with gummy worms I purchased for them at Walgreens). They promised to clean their room forever. I grew up having parties at the very same… Continue reading It Was Good While It Lasted

Jamie Sumner
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