Blenderized Formula for Home Tube Feeding

Amy Long Carrera, MS, RD, CNSC, CWCMS
Registered Dietitian Nutritionist
11/30/15  10:58 AM PST
Blender Formula

Worldwide use of home tube feeding has increased dramatically since 1989 (from 34,000 to 344,000 in 2014). Most people use commercial formulas containing nutrients that are broken down. A growing number of tube feeders are using blenderized tube feeding formulas (AKA Blender Formula) that contain whole foods.


Why do people choose blenderized tube feeding formula?

  • More natural: Understanding the ingredient list is important to many people, regardless of how they consume nutrients.
  • Eat what the family eats: Sharing meals with family is critical to maintain the social aspect of meal time for people on tube feeding.


Options for blenderized formula:

  • Homemade blenderized formula typically requires a lot of time and effort to prepare.
    • Recipes must be carefully planned to meet nutritional needs.
    • Ingredients must be blended to a smooth somewhat thin consistency in order to avoid clogging the feeding tube.
    • Food safety guidelines must be strictly adhered to in order to prevent contamination and infection.
    • A registered dietitian should be closely involved in planning and monitoring.
  • Ready to use blenderized formula is available from a small but growing number of manufacturers.
    • These formulas make real food ingredients for feeding tubes more feasible for many people.
    • Since some of these products may not be nutritionally complete, your registered dietitian should still be involved.
  • Bolus feeding with a syringe is is the recommended feeding method for both homemade and ready to use blenderized formulas due to potential issues with infusing these formulas through a feeding pump.


Consult your doctor and/or registered dietitian about adding blenderized formula to your tube feeding plan.

Contact your provider of formula and feeding supplies to inquire about obtaining ready to use blenderized formula.



Hurt RT, et al. Blenderized Tube Feeding Use in Adult Home Enteral Nutrition Patients: A Cross-Sectional Study. Nutr Clin Pract. 2015:30(6):824-829.

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    1. Hi Ms. McKinley. Thank you for commenting, and we’re glad you’re enjoying the services you’re currently receiving. For more information, we would recommend either taking a look at our Nutrition Community or calling us directly at 800.765.8775. Again, thank you for commenting. -Aimee, Shield HealthCare

    1. Hi Donna,
      I don’t recommend that you do that. Please check with your physician about potassium supplementation.
      Good luck,

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