Skin Care for Ostomies | New Ostomates

Laura Cox, LPC
Ostomy Lifestyle Specialist | Shield HealthCare
09/23/14  3:45 AM PST

Skin care is an important part of life for ostomates. Taking care of the skin around the stoma not only eliminates itching, soreness, damaged skin, and possible yeast infections, it also helps the pouching system stick to the skin longer and more strongly than if the skin were in bad shape. Keeping a strong seal between the pouching system and the skin helps prevent leaks. If a leak occurs, the skin will become irritated. If irritation occurs, it can be difficult to get a good seal, which in turn leads to more leaks and further irritation of skin. To stop this snowball effect, clean the skin well, dry it thoroughly, and use stoma powder on the irritated areas, before putting on a new pouching system. Use the information below to help promote your skin’s health or click the button below to watch Laura’s video on skin care for new ostomates:

Product Features

Stoma Powder can be used to protect skin from moisture that causes irritation. It absorbs residual moisture and keeps skin dry. It can also be applied to weeping skin to protect it from the adhesive of the appliance.

Adhesive Remover Wipes or Adhesive Remover Spray makes it easy to remove your appliance from your skin. Without using it, skin can become irritated from pulling off the sticky appliance. Adhesive remover loosens the adhesive and makes taking off your appliance less irritating for your skin.

Skin sealant, or skin barrier wipes/spray can be used if necessary. It adds an extra protective layer between your pouching system and your skin. Ask a stoma nurse if he or she thinks it is useful for you.

Skin Care Tips

It is extremely important to make sure your skin is completely dry before putting on your appliance. You can dry the skin with a washcloth or a piece of gauze.

Change your appliance regularly. This decreases the risk of a leak, which usually leaves skin irritated, itchy, and sometimes sore. If a leak does occur, change your pouching system as soon as possible. The less time stool or urine sits on your skin, the better.

Make sure your ostomy wafer is cut to size correctly. The hole in your wafer should be no more than 1/8 of an inch bigger than your stoma.

You can watch a video about peristomal skin care here.

I used personal knowledge and as a resource

For more information, see related ostomy skin care articles and ostomy resources here:

Shield HealthCare | Medical Supplies For Care At Home Since 1957

Serving Medicare Ostomates Nationwide
Hey Laura, I’m a new ostomate and just got the clearance from my doctor to resume a regular diet. Any tips for things I should watch out for?
Hi Susan, Excellent question!
I would say there are three important things you can do to reduce your risk of problems when returning to a more normal diet...

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