World Ostomy Day 2018

Product Specialist | Shield HealthCare
09/26/18  4:56 PM PST

World Ostomy Day 2018

October 6th is World Ostomy Day – a day dedicated to improving rehabilitation of ostomates worldwide by educating the global community on their needs and aspirations.

Get Involved!

The theme of this year’s World Ostomy Day is: Speaking Out Changes Lives. If you have an ostomy or know an ostomate (with permission) – share your story! Even more, if you don’t have a personal story you can still educate your community.

Share these five Ostomy facts to spread the word on what an ostomy is and how it can save lives:

  • An ostomy is a diversion of waste (urine or stool) to exit the body when the usual route is impaired. This opening made in the abdominal wall to drain waste is called a stoma.
  • An ostomy can be a temporary or permanent procedure. There are many different medical conditions that can cause someone to need an ostomy including cancer, IBD, incontinence, and birth defects.
  • In most cases, pouches (ostomy bags) are worn over the stoma to collect the expelled waste. These pouches are discreet and odor-free. You may never realize someone is an ostomate until they tell you.
  • After recovery, ostomates can still swim, travel, and be physically active.
  • Ostomy surgeries save lives – about 100,000 procedures every year in the United States.

Learn more about having an ostomy here.

United Ostomy Associations of America is leading two activities to make an impact on your community:

  • Raise awareness by walking/running/rolling a 5K – There are 10 Run for Resilience Ostomy 5K events across the country on WOD including a Virtual 5K that can be done anywhere you are! Receive a free “ASK ME: WHAT IS AN OSTOMY?” sticker when you sign up for the virtual 5K.
  • Virtual day on the hill contest – Make the 1st annual Virtual Day on the Hill memorable. Through October 15th, points can be earned for activities aimed at bringing awareness to lawmakers on the importance of ostomy surgeries. Advocate your heart out – first place receives an Amazon gift card!

When you participate use #OstomyDayUSA and #WorldOstomyDay2018 on social media to join the movement and raise awareness.


United Ostomy Associations of America

Learn more about ostomies here:

Serving Medicare Ostomates Nationwide
My 89-year-old mother loves to swim but she has found that the pouch fills with water when she gets into the pool. What can we do to fix this?
We recently had someone reach out to our Facebook community with a similar question, and several of our OstomyLife community members responded with their own advice.
Hopefully you and your mother will find their answers helpful ...

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