Caregiver Contest Runner Up Valentina: Give Them the Best Life

Aimee Sharp
Author | Shield HealthCare
04/03/19  12:36 PM PST
Best Life

Valentina D. is from Rohnert Park, CA. She has been caring for her elderly mother for many years. She retired early from her extremely stressful job so that she could care for her mother full-time. She was thrilled to be one of the winners of this contest.

To enter this year’s 20th Annual Caregiver Story contest, click here!

What tips do you have for care at home?

I always greet my client with a big hug and kiss. I make sure her cane is close to her so she won’t fall. I make sure she is wearing her life alert.  I comb her hair and massage her neck. I start singing shortly after I arrive to get her in a happy mood. I sing the songs that she loves so that she will sing along with me. I make sure she has a nice meal of exactly what she is craving. I give her a shower so she feels nice and clean. I want her to have the best life she can possibly have because she is such a good person and she deserves the best. She is so scared of ending up in a nursing home, so I am trying my best to make it possible for her to stay in her own home. I love her with all my heart and soul and there is nothing I won’t do for her.

Click here to head to the contest home page and read more advice.

Winners were selected by a panel of independent judges: Maggie Bermudez, the Manager of Professional Training and Healthcare Services at Alzheimer’s Los Angeles; Alethea Mshar, a blogger, mom of two children with Down syndrome and a frequent contributor to Shield HealthCare’s GROW community; and Joy Hooper, a Wound Ostomy Continence Nurse and the lead instructor of the Wound Care Education Institute’s ostomy courses. Click here to learn more.

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