Living With SCI: Evening Routine

Aaron Baker
Spinal Cord Injury Lifestyle Specialist | Shield HealthCare
03/16/23  11:31 AM PST
living with SCI night routine

PART 3: Evenings

My mid-day routine sets me up for a relaxing, wind down evening with my family. I am fortunate to work from home and be around my daughter and wife for a majority of the day. However, it is not the quality time I aim for, so that is why the last part of my day is focused solely on them.

1. Parenting First

Our daughter has a solid evening routine, and the whole family joins in. We eat dinner at 6pm, bath time is at 6:30pm, Jeopardy is at 7pm, and the last half hour is usually a Disney classic movie and bottle, and she is off to bed by 8pm.

2. The Power of Being Present

Beginning in the new year, my wife and I decided to put our phones away when I come out of the office. Our phones are glued to our sides while we work, doing things around the house, run errands, etc… Now, we make a conscious effort to unplug and be present. Not only for Cayla, our daughter, but for our relationship and for us as individuals. I cringe thinking of the wasted time I spent scrolling on my phone.

3. Bowel Routine

I do my bowel program every other night, instead of in the morning as in previous years. On these nights, we move our family schedule up by 30 minutes, so that I can end with a shower and then snuggles in bed while Cayla has her bottle. I appreciate that I can still participate in the evening family routine while also being productive towards my health. On these nights, we eat lighter (no meats or beans) as it will not be processed by the time I begin my BP that evening. Nutrient timing (which food, what time and which day) has always been a key part in my comfort level while living with a spinal cord injury.

On the nights that I still have more work to do, I will go to my office to finish work and hopefully be in bed before 10pm.

In Summary: Compounding Interest

I have enjoyed sharing my morning, midday and evening routine throughout this blog series, I hope that it provides insight into your own healthy habits and lifestyle. I can sincerely say that the quality of my life is a direct reflection of the choices I consciously make to be better today than I was yesterday.

The components of your lifestyle formula may differ from mine, however, the secret to success is compounding interest. In the context of health, it is mindful awareness expressed consistently over time— the results of which, in essence, are the reinvestment into your future self!

Stay mindfully aware with a grateful heart and an adventurous spirit.

You can do it!


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I have c6 injury and I have lots of spasm in my whole body. What can you suggest to help?
I have found that consistent stretching, light exercise, plenty of water, quality food and rest all affect my spasticity.


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