10 Tips For Family Caregivers

Gina Flores
Caregiver Advocate | Shield HealthCare
07/25/11  7:03 PM PST
Tips For Family Caregivers

Check out these quick ten tips for family caregivers:

  1. Caregiving is a job and respite is your earned right. Reward yourself with respite breaks often.
  2. Watch out for signs of depression, and don’t delay in getting professional help when you need it.
  3. When people offer to help, accept the offer and suggest specific things that they can do.
  4. Educate yourself about your loved one’s condition and how to communicate effectively with doctors.
  5. There’s a difference between caring and doing. Be open to technologies and ideas that promote your loved one’s independence.
  6. Trust your instincts. Most of the time they’ll lead you in the right direction.
  7. Caregivers often do a lot of lifting, pushing and pulling. Be good to your back.
  8. Grieve for your losses, and then allow yourself to dream new dreams.
  9. Seek support from other caregivers. There is great strength in knowing you are not alone.
  10. Stand up for your rights as a caregiver and a citizen.

Source: National Family Caregivers Association

For more information, see related articles and resources here:

Recent Caregivers


  1. My mother is 87 and basically forced into retirement 2 years ago. Amonth later she fell , broke her hip and arm and since then has gone downhill. I have found it hard to accept her disabilities but am learning to cope although extremely painful for both of us

    1. Hello and thank you for sharing your thoughts. It’s difficult to watch a parent go through this and weighs heavy on the heart when we wish we could do more to help. Take one day at time and keep a positive frame of mind, especially around mom.

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