(Care)Giving Tuesday Episode 2: Wandering

Stephanie Struyck Elgin
Author | Shield HealthCare
11/26/19  9:00 AM PST

This ten-part Caregiver Education Video Series was created by Alzheimer’s Los Angeles. For more information, visit AlzheimersLA.org

According to the Alzheimer’s Association, 6 in 10 people with dementia will wander. A person with dementia may not remember his or her name and can become disoriented or confused for a period of time, even in familiar places. This can happen at any stage of Alzheimer’s and is one of the most dangerous behaviors associated with the disease. It is important to take steps to prevent wandering and know what to do in an emergency.

Learn more about Wandering in the second episode of a ten-episode video series from Alzheimer’s Los Angeles.


About Alzheimer’s Los Angeles:

Alzheimer’s Los Angeles is dedicated to improving the lives of local families affected by Alzheimer’s and dementia by increasing awareness, delivering effective programs and services, providing compassionate support and advocating for quality care and a cure. Alzheimer’s Los Angeles launched a ten-episode video series with common concerns from caregivers and practical advice that you can use today. For details, visit AlzheimersLA.org.

For additional resources, visit:

3 Tips for Navigating Life with Alzheimer’s

10 Tips for Communicating with a Person with Dementia

Coping with Alzheimer’s Disease Behaviors

Recent Caregivers

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