22nd Annual Caregiver Story Contest Runner-Up – Jameelah M.

03/21/25  11:40 AM PST
Jameelah H. Photo (900x600)

Congratulations to Runner-Up Jameelah M. from California.

I am the caregiver for my 81-year-old mother for the past 7 years. She is diagnosed with Dementia and several other diagnoses such as Lymphoma, Diabetes, Atrial Fibrillation, complete incontinence and more.

I am passionate about caring for her because she is my mother, but also because I know how hard her life has been having grown up as a black child in the South during the post-slavery era picking cotton in the field starting at age 4. She has never stopped working and fighting for a better life for herself and her family. I want to make sure that the end of her life does not mirror the struggles and lack of compassion her early years did. I want her to know that her worth does not depend on what she can do or produce; she is worthy just because she is on this earth living and breathing.

I was born with a genetic mutation and Central Nervous System disorder and my mother dropped everything including her work as a nurse to care for me full-time. Through my life with physical and mental health struggles, she never hesitated to put me first and be my emotional support every step of the way. It is only natural for me to want to do the same for her. She mothered me with so much love and patience that it is now my turn to mother her even when she doesn’t think she needs the support.

As a woman with several mental disorders: Complex PTSD, Bipolar, Depression and Anxiety, as well as Fibromyalgia and Rheumatoid Arthritis, a young daughter with Autism, and working full-time from home for the State of CA, I find it difficult to care give. This role has challenged and changed me. As the baby of 6 siblings, I have learned to be more selfless and be what she needs of me. I struggle with self-care due to my conditions, circumstances, and time-constraints. However, I feel an increased sense of purpose on this earth. I was not there to make my mother’s early life better, but I am here now and in a position to ensure she thrives and not just survives her diagnoses.

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