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what are birth defects

What are Birth Defects?

The word “defect” is a difficult word, especially when you are a parent. Medically speaking, birth defects are structural changes present at birth that can affect almost any part of the body. They can affect how the body works, looks, or both. Advancements in medicine and surgery have led to better survival rates, and thankfully… Continue reading What are Birth Defects?

Brooke Phillips, CWCMS
Vital Importance of Getting Messy

The Vital Importance of Getting Messy

Last Spring while on a walk at a local farm to see the horses and climb through the haylofts and crawl over the farm equipment, we got caught in a flash rain storm. It rolled in while we were racing down the gravel road toward the distant parking lot. It was miles away. Or at… Continue reading The Vital Importance of Getting Messy

Jamie Sumner
grieving the loss of what you thought would be

Grieving the Loss of What You Thought Would Be

When we are faced with news or experience of loss, whether physical or perceived, we respond with shock and disbelief. We then experience all of the emotions that flood us while we are trying to accept a reality that we did not want. As parents, when our child or children are diagnosed with a medical… Continue reading Grieving the Loss of What You Thought Would Be

Dr. Liz Matheis
special needs vs disabilities

Which Terminology Should I Use – Special Needs or Disabilities?

When I was a student in school, students with disabilities were placed in a separate class, they traveled together around the school building, and everyone knew who “they” were. Terms such as “retarded,” “stupid,” or handicapped” were used so often. As a I type these highly derogatory terms, my skin crawls.  Over the years, our… Continue reading Which Terminology Should I Use – Special Needs or Disabilities?

Dr. Liz Matheis
Caregiver Contest Runner-Up Winner: Angela R.

Caregiver Contest Runner-Up Winner: Angela R.

Shield HealthCare asked caregivers how has COVID changed caregiving, and we would like to congratulate Angela R. for being one of our runner-up winners!

Danny Nguyen
Caregiver Contest Runner-Up Winner: Leah K.

Caregiver Contest Runner-Up Winner: Leah K.

Shield HealthCare asked caregivers how has COVID changed caregiving, and we would like to congratulate Leah K. for being one of our runner-up winners!

Danny Nguyen
Caregiver Contest Runner-Up Winner: Katherine H.

Caregiver Contest Runner-Up Winner: Katherine H.

Shield HealthCare asked caregivers how has COVID changed caregiving, and we would like to congratulate Katherine H. for being one of our runner-up winners!

Danny Nguyen
Caregiver Contest Runner-Up Winner: Tamekia H.

Caregiver Contest Runner-Up Winner: Tamekia H.

Shield HealthCare asked caregivers how has COVID changed caregiving, and we would like to congratulate Tamekia H. for being one of our runner-up winners!

Danny Nguyen
Caregiver Contest Runner-Up Winner: Tina B.

Caregiver Contest Runner-Up Winner: Tina B.

Shield HealthCare asked caregivers how has COVID changed caregiving, and we would like to congratulate Tina B. for being one of our runner-up winners!

Danny Nguyen
Caregiver Contest Grand Prize Winner: Krystenn

Caregiver Contest Grand Prize Winner: Krystenn

Shield HealthCare asked caregivers how has COVID changed caregiving, and we would like to congratulate Krystenn. for being one of our grand prize winners!

Danny Nguyen
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