Breastfeeding Home

Moms Breastfeed

Most New Moms Breastfeed, But Many Stop Too Soon, CDC Says

Most New Moms Breastfeed, But Many Stop Too Soon, CDC Says – By Robert Preidt for CBS News “We are pleased that most U.S. babies start out breastfeeding and over half are still breastfeeding at 6 months of age,” said Dr. Ruth Petersen, director of CDC’s Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity and Obesity. Most new… Continue reading Most New Moms Breastfeed, But Many Stop Too Soon, CDC Says

Aimee Sharp
Introducing Solids

Feeding Your Baby After Six Months of Age – Introducing Solids

The World Health Organization recommends only breast milk (or formula if necessary) exclusively for the first six months of life (no other food or liquids, even water, is necessary). But around six months, or even a couple of weeks before, doctors will start to recommend introducing solids – while still continuing to breastfeed your child… Continue reading Feeding Your Baby After Six Months of Age – Introducing Solids

Aimee Sharp
Lactation Space

Union Station Opens Private Lactation Space for Pumping, Breastfeeding Mothers

Union Station Opens Private Lactation Space for Pumping, Breastfeeding Mothers – By Yvonne Kim for the Chicago-Sun Times Mothers on the go can now privately pump or breastfeed in five new mobile lactation pods at Amtrak stations across the country — including one in Chicago Union Station. Designed by Mamava, which has installed almost 500 lactation… Continue reading Union Station Opens Private Lactation Space for Pumping, Breastfeeding Mothers

Aimee Sharp
Breastfeeding questions

Breastfeeding FAQs: Part II

Here are our second three breastfeeding questions for those of you who are interested in breastfeeding your infants! You can find our first part of FAQs here. When my period returns, will it lower my milk supply? It might! Some women have trouble with this. It can be a stressful time for some, especially if… Continue reading Breastfeeding FAQs: Part II

Aimee Sharp
Breastfeeding Good

Is Breastfeeding Good for Mom’s Heart?

In this article, originally published by ABC News, learn the answer to the question: is breastfeeding good for mitigating heart disease in women?

Aimee Sharp
breastfeeding airports friendly airports mothers act

Breastfeeding in Airports: Friendly Airports for Mothers Act

Traveling may get easier for mothers who breastfeed in airports with the introduction of the Friendly Airports for Mothers Act.

Stephanie Struyck Elgin
Tongue Tie

The Tongue Tie Conundrum

By Melinda Wenner Moyer for Slate Just when you thought you’d heard of every parenting controversy, another comes along to reaffirm your belief that there’s no end to the angst of having kids. (Of course, the joy is boundless, too!) The latest conundrum I’ve discovered involves tongue ties, a hugely trendy but controversial diagnosis. Tongue-tied… Continue reading The Tongue Tie Conundrum

Aimee Sharp
benefits of breast milk

Benefits of Breast Milk: How Does Breastfeeding Protect My Infant?

Human breast milk contains a fine balance of antibodies, proteins, fat, and carbohydrates, working together to nourish and protect.

Sarah Sanchez, NDTR
Breast-Feeding Gap

Cultural, Economic, Other Factors Drive Black Breast-Feeding Gap

Originally published by Indiana Public Media: read about different organizations that are supporting new black moms in their efforts to breastfeed.

Aimee Sharp

Breastfeeding Health: What’s Best for Mom and Baby

Breastfeeding is highly beneficial for mom and baby, promoting a strong bond and providing health benefits including lowered risk of type 2 diabetes.

Sarah Sanchez, NDTR
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