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Diabetes and Sugar Substitutes

You can have Diabetes and still have a sweet tooth. The best sugar substitutes add sweetness to foods and beverages without affecting your blood sugar or your waistline, according to the American Dietetic Association. Your best alternatives to sugar are also stable in different food environments and have been approved as safe for human consumption… Continue reading Diabetes and Sugar Substitutes

Amy Long Carrera, MS, RD, CNSC, CWCMS

Proper Foot Care For Diabetics

In managing diabetes, it’s important to inspect your feet every day and seek care early if you have a foot injury. Make sure your health care provider checks your feet at least once a year or more often if you have foot problems. Your health care provider should also give you a list and explain the do’s… Continue reading Proper Foot Care For Diabetics

Gina Flores
Myths About Diabetes

Myths About Diabetes

With so many myths about diabetes, it’s sometimes difficult for people to believe the real facts– such as diabetes is serious and a potentially deadly disease. Common myths create an impression of diabetes that is not accurate and full of stereotypes.

Gina Flores

Helpful Tips For Blood Sugar Testing

For every person with diabetes who is monitoring their blood sugar with a blood glucose meter, having a supply of test strips is critical. Follow your doctor’s instructions to test your blood sugar. Monitoring regularly is the only way to manage your blood sugar levels. Managing your diabetes will help you feel better and lower… Continue reading Helpful Tips For Blood Sugar Testing

Gina Flores
10 Tips For Managing Diabetes

10 Tips For Managing Diabetes

Updated February 11, 2020 Whether you have just been diagnosed or have been living with the condition for some time, managing diabetes may seem like a tall order. Use these tips as a guide to finding a lifestyle that works best for you. Learn why it is important to closely consult your medical team, follow… Continue reading 10 Tips For Managing Diabetes

Gina Flores
understanding diabetes

Understanding Diabetes: Overview, Symptoms & Causes

Learn to recognize common diabetes symptoms and causes to help decrease your risk of developing complications associated with Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes.

Gina Flores
Diabetes Glossary of Terms 900x600

Diabetes Glossary of Terms

Learning about diabetes can be a daunting task. Use this glossary of commonly used terms to become more comfortable with diabetes jargon.

Gina Flores
Diabetes and Eating Out

Diabetes and Eating Out

When eating out, it’s important to know how to make changes in your meal plan, in case the restaurant doesn’t have just what you want. Here are some helpful tips on how to order: If you don’t know what’s in a dish or don’t know the serving size, ask. Eat slowly. Ask for fish or… Continue reading Diabetes and Eating Out

Amy Long Carrera, MS, RD, CNSC, CWCMS

Diabetes Links

American Cancer Society www.cancer.org 1599 Clifton Road N.E. Atlanta, GA 30329 404-320-333 or 1-800-227-2345 Support groups for patients and their families, transportation programs, at home care items. American Medical Association www.ama-assn.org California Association of Health Facilities www.cahf.org Colorado State Foster Parent Association www.csfpa.org 7651 W 41st Ave, Ste 90 Wheatridge, CO 80033 Denver area –… Continue reading Diabetes Links

Gina Flores
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