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2023 Holiday Delivery Schedule

Each year, Shield HealthCare works with our delivery partners to bring you reliable service throughout the holiday season. Below you’ll find Shield HealthCare’s 2023 holiday delivery schedule. We have also included when Shield HealthCare’s call centers will be open. While we are doing everything we can to ensure your orders continue to arrive on time,… Continue reading 2023 Holiday Delivery Schedule

Allison Dalton

2022 Holiday Delivery Schedule

Each year, Shield HealthCare works with our delivery partners to bring you reliable service throughout the holiday season. Below you’ll find Shield HealthCare’s 2022 holiday delivery schedule. We have also included when Shield HealthCare’s call centers will be open. While we are doing everything we can to ensure your orders continue to arrive on time,… Continue reading 2022 Holiday Delivery Schedule

Allison Dalton
10 Tips for Traveling with Seniors

10 Tips for Traveling with Seniors

Traveling is taxing on anybody regardless of their age. Here are some helpful tips for traveling with a senior.

Taylor Snell
Since Getting Ostomy Surgery

Things That Still Bother Me Since Getting Ostomy Surgery – And How I Resolve Them

Since getting ostomy surgery, Laura Cox, our Ostomy Lifestyle Specialist, has been grateful for every day. But that doesn't mean there aren't annoyances!

Laura Cox, LPC
Enlaces Útiles

Enlaces Útiles En Español

Consulte estos recursos y enlaces útiles en español para los cuidadores de las familias y de los profesionales de la salud. Información Para Los Cuidadores:

Aimee Sharp
Caring for an elderly parent

Caring for an Elderly Parent: Preventing Sibling Disagreement

Any caregiver with siblings may have experienced their share of conflict when it comes to caring for an elderly parent with medical needs. Common conflicts are...

Gina Flores
Clean breast pump parts

How to Clean and Sanitize Breast Pump Parts

Your breast pump has many parts that come in contact with your breastmilk. Prevent bacteria by learning how to best clean breast pump parts.

Amy Long Carrera, MS, RD, CNSC, CWCMS
Enough Breast Milk

How to Make Sure Your Baby Gets Enough Breast Milk

Learn about how to increase your milk supply, ways to tell your baby is getting enough breast milk to drink and read some helpful breastfeeding tips.

Amy Long Carrera, MS, RD, CNSC, CWCMS
breastfeeding diet

I’m Breastfeeding: What Should I Eat?

While you are breastfeeding, you need more of these nutrients in order to supply enough for both you and your baby. Eat a healthy, balanced diet every day.

Amy Long Carrera, MS, RD, CNSC, CWCMS
Affordable Care Act Breastfeeding

Affordable Care Act Information | Breastfeeding Benefits

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) expanded coverage of preventive services for women, including pregnant and breastfeeding women.

Brooke Phillips, CWCMS
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