Differently-Abled Bodies

Fashion is Finally Making Differently-Abled Bodies a Priority

There aren’t that many choices for differently-abled bodies if you want to look both comfortable and nice. The fashion world assumes...

Jamie Sumner
Pandemic Fatigue

Diagnosis: Pandemic Fatigue

We are all feeling the effects of this pandemic as we are nearing the one-year mark. We are all in this together.

Dr. Liz Matheis
bucket list

Here’s Why You Need a Sensory Bucket List

Sight, smell, sound, taste, touch...Go on each other’s sensory bucket list adventures and experience a little of their joy as you share yours.

Jamie Sumner

Supporting Our Son’s Grief Didn’t Look Like We Expected

As it turns out, our son is not so unusual. Often, people with Down syndrome experience grief differently than we expect, notably a delayed reaction to the news of a death is common.

Alethea Mshar
pandemic parenting

Continued Pandemic Parenting

The beginning of the new year usually brings hope, resolutions and plans. This January 2021, the new year feels different. More of the same. It’s been 10 months, almost one year of living through the COVID-19 pandemic. Our lives are the most isolated they have been given the dark, cold winter and a holiday season… Continue reading Continued Pandemic Parenting

Dr. Liz Matheis
social skills

Building Your Child’s Social Skills Even During COVID-19

Has the pandemic affected your child's social skills? Learn how to help them build these skills through story telling and socially distanced activities.

Dr. Liz Matheis
virtual learning

7 Strategies for Getting Through Virtual Learning During COVID-19

As parents, we are watching our children struggle while we struggle with them. Our children are having a hard time paying attention, finding assignments, completing them, and turning them in via virtual learning.

Dr. Liz Matheis
Unstructured Play

The Beauty of Unstructured Play

Through unstructured play kids can explore in ways we couldn’t have predicted or facilitated and that is a wonderful gift.

Jamie Sumner

The Silver Lining of Telehealth for Complex Families

While many things with the novel Coronavirus have been rough and even just plain awful, the silver linings are there, and telehealth access is a big one for my family.

Alethea Mshar
Post-Election Distress

Post-Election Distress

2020 has been the most interesting year...on several different levels. Not only are we still battling a pandemic but it is also an election year.

Dr. Liz Matheis
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