“I knew nobody else like me,” says Wendy, age 48. Then last fall she met Zaela. It was the first time Wendy met someone with the same level spinal lesion...
Last month, I was sitting in my dermatologist’s office, kicking my heels against the exam chair and wondering how I could possibly be back here for the third time in a year. The answer is fairly obvious, however, when I study myself in the mirror. I am the pale, freckled result of generations of Scots… Continue reading After Being Diagnosed with Skin Cancer, I’m Doing Everything I Can to Prevent it from Happening Again
Kidney stones are extremely common, even affecting young children and teens. Kidney stones are small, pebble-like deposits composed of minerals and salts.
Whether I want to swallow my pride and accept, or even ask for help is a mute point anyway. I have a family to consider...
You may find your anxiety is being triggered by the day’s events, or what you still need to accomplish before the day’s end for yourself, your family, your job, or all three. That anxiety experience is real and it sometimes triggers a more intense anxiety response when something isn’t going as you planned. And let’s… Continue reading Coping Strategies When Struggling with PTSD
So on this Mother’s Day, I would like to remind you of what I hope you already know: I am so grateful for you. Thank you for raising me to be uniquely suited to take care of my special boy. I mother the way I do because of you.
Labels can get a bad rap when they’re applied to people. Ideally, we’d have a world where everyone is accepted as they are and neurodiversity and disabilities need no explanation.
Parenting a child with special needs is a tough job. Take the time to check in with yourself and take comfort in knowing you are not alone in this journey.
Most days, the viewing area of my twins’ gymnastic’s class is fairly tame. The parents sit, work, chat, drink coffee, and enjoy the fact that for forty-five minutes our children are being tired out by a responsible adult who is not us. Recently, however, I walked into a different scene. Five minutes into the session,… Continue reading Here’s Why My Kids Haven’t Had Swim Lessons Yet
If your child requires self-catheterization at school and is developmentally ready, it can be helpful for him or her to begin learning at an early age, possibly even as early as kindergarten.