
When You Compare Your Child to Other Children with Special Needs

Sometimes you can’t help but note and compare the differences in development and progress between your child and other children with special needs.

Jamie Sumner
GROW with Shield

GROW with Shield HealthCare Awarded Best Blog Finalist

GROW with Shield HealthCare has been named a PR News' Social Media Awards finalist in the Best Blog category for its support of special needs families.

Amy Long Carrera, MS, RD, CNSC, CWCMS
special needs

Special Needs Parenting: When the Storm Hits

When you're parenting a child with special needs, there will always be storms. Life is about unexpected situations and how we weather them.

Jamie Sumner
Child with Complex Needs

Job Description: Parent of a Child with Complex Needs

Wanted: Parent of a Child with Complex Needs. Must be willing to work more than 100 hours per week on minimal sleep. Experience in nursing preferred.

Alethea Mshar

Redefining Independence for Your Child with Special Needs

To be independent is a hard-wrought thing. Eating, breathing, speaking, moving…these things take intense effort from a child and family with special needs.

Jamie Sumner
special needs mom

Moms of Children with Special Needs: When Your Friend is Expecting

There’s something to be said for developing your “surprise face” when someone tells you she’s pregnant. As a special needs mom, there's some PTSD involved.

Jamie Sumner
Special Needs Parenting

Parenting a Child with Special Needs Roundtable Recorded Webinar

Watch this recorded webinar - Special needs parenting and raising a child with complex health needs can be a nerve-wracking experience.

Danny Nguyen

Children with Special Needs and Therapy Burnout

When it hit us, it hit hard and fast. I don’t know if there’s an actual name for it, but I call it therapy burnout. We called it quits for a year.

Alethea Mshar

Incontinence in Children with Special Needs

For some families with children with special needs, using the potty may be a delayed process, or not happen at all. And that's okay!

Aimee Sharp
Father's Day

Why My Husband Was at the Spa on Father’s Day

My husband's request for a Father's Day gift surprised me...until I stopped and thought about all he does for our child with cerebral palsy.

Jamie Sumner
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