My son Charlie has officially outgrown conventional diapers. He’s twelve and slim. It took us a while to get past those size sevens. I’m...
What Should I Say? How Much Should I Say? Young children and teenagers are curious creatures. They hear and see things that they don’t always understand. They pick up on the emotions around them and can feel overwhelmed or confused. The natural next step is for a child or teen to approach their parent. As… Continue reading Talking to Your Children About Current Events
Mother’s Day is complicated for many reasons. For those of us who spent years trying to conceive, we remember that day as a celebration for what felt like the rest of the world and absolute isolation for us. For those of us who have lost a child, this day is full of mourning. For those… Continue reading When Mother’s Day is Complicated
Adolescence is a time of immense physical and emotional growth, and of wanting independence. A teen with special needs is no different...
I Think my Child is Dyslexic – Now What? First things first: if you suspect your child has dyslexia, consult with a professional with specialized knowledge in language development to request an assessment. A speech-language pathologist who is certified by the American Speech, Language, and Hearing Association (ASHA), and who has training in reading disorders,… Continue reading Dyslexia Assessment: A Parent Guide
Gym class has always been a bit of a sore spot for me. Sure, I would lace up my Keds and hike up my spandex biking shorts from the Limited Too and get out there with the rest of them. But when it came to group sports, I was never picked first, or last, but… Continue reading Five Wheelchair-Accessible Games for Gym Class
I am not the best at going to the doctor. I’m great about it with my kids. If there is vomiting, a high fever, discharge of any color, then we are there with insurance card in hand and masks on. But when it comes to me, let’s just say I’m more…wait and see. There is… Continue reading When the Caregiver Needs Medical Care
You’ve noticed a few things about your child’s reading and writing skills. At your last parent-teacher conference, your child’s teacher may have recognized that your child is struggling with reading and writing. Your child may be making progress, but is still not reading or writing at grade level. Slowly, over the course of the school… Continue reading Is My Child Dyslexic?
The term “medical complexity” is an umbrella term used to describe a wide range of medical conditions that present unique challenges and require special care on an ongoing basis. Medically complex conditions are usually rare illnesses that are functionally limiting and are sometimes life-threatening. Children with medical complexity (CMC) have multiple significant chronic health problems,… Continue reading Children with Medical Complexity
Cystic fibrosis affects the cells that produce mucus, sweat, and digestive juices. These secreted fluids are normally thin and slippery, but with CF, they become sticky and thick. This causes tubes, ducts, and passageways to 'plug up'. This most commonly affects the lungs and pancreas