I know there will be days when homeschool will be challenging, but I feel so lucky to have the opportunity to foster a love of learning in Sam.
To the parent who just found out your child has a disability, there are a few things I want to tell you that I wish I would have known all those years ago.
Living with spinal muscular atrophy requires knowledge, strength and support. Find resources and support for your journey here.
Getting your special needs child back to school is more complicated than it is for a typical child. Use these tips to make sure your family is ready.
We are pleased to offer our new "Pediatric Tube Feeding Guide" for free. This guide provides comprehensive information about pediatric tube feeding.
Exposure to a sick child at school can be dangerous for a child with special needs. Have a backup plan for when your kids are sick.
I was concerned that moving with special needs would mean losing all we'd worked for, but we were able to get what we needed for both our kids. Here’s how.
Without any special training, special needs parents jump into this whole new world and make incredible things happen on behalf of our children.
Parents, celebrate the joys and accomplishments of your special needs child with this letter from a father to his son on graduation day.
Much-needed moments of connection with my special needs child renew my caregiving spirit and remind me of the value of my role.