14.6 millones: este es el número de niños estadounidenses de 0 a 17 años que tienen necesidades especiales de cuidado de salud, incluyendo la parálisis cerebral, retraso en el desarrollo y otras condiciones.
Do parents of children with special needs and empathy burnout go hand-in-hand? One mom talks about how she copes with empathy burnout while caring for her two young boys.
Your child with special needs may respond to situations differently than other children. Autism Spectrum Disorder, Cerebral...
If your family experiences a natural disaster, such as an earthquake, hurricane or tornado, are you prepared with a plan and supplies to care for your child with special needs?
Social and behavioral skills are essential for lifelong success but children with special needs often struggle with these skills.
For anyone who missed our recent Social Skills Strategies for Children with Special Needs webinar, you can find the recording here
April is Autism Awareness Month and it is always welcomed in my family with great joy and happiness for two reasons...
In January, President Obama announced a new cancer research project: the National Cancer Moonshot. The next month, childhood cancer research was in the spotlight as 10 leading children's hospitals announced that they would join forces to expand research.
Autism affects a person’s ability to communicate with others, respond to sensory information from the outside world and regulate emotion.
A child with Asperger syndrome is considered to be on the more highly functioning end of the autism spectrum disorder.