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Coping with Loss

Coping with Loss: Webinar Video and Slides

Watch this free webinar on Coping with Loss on demand. Understanding the process of grieving and providing strategies for coping with bereavement and grief.

Aimee Sharp
home health value-based purchasing

Home Health Value-Based Purchasing: Updates for 2017

An overview of Home Health Value-Based Purchasing and how to prepare for it, with notes on 2017 payment adjustments.

Sarah McIlvaine
Trump's ACA executive order

Trump’s ACA Executive Order Heightens Insurance Market Jitters

President Trump's ACA executive order has health insurers and policy experts concerned about potential fallouts in the individual insurance market.

Sarah McIlvaine

Webinar Video and Slides: IMPACT Act and Skin Integrity

If you would like to view our recorded webinar “The Importance of Skin Integrity Under the IMPACT Act” Presented by Judy Adams, RN, BSN, HCS-D, HCS-O of Adams Home Care Consulting, Inc., please watch the video above. Click here to open a new tab where you can download a PDF of the slides. This webinar addresses:… Continue reading Webinar Video and Slides: IMPACT Act and Skin Integrity

Aimee Sharp
pre-claim review

Pre-Claim Review: What Home Health Agencies Should Know

The CMS states that pre-claim review does not create new documentation requirements, but instead requires that the same documentation be submitted earlier.

Sarah McIlvaine
free webinars

Shield HealthCare Educational Webinar Schedule 2017

Here you can find information about all of the free webinars we held in 2017. For healthcare professionals, you may receive CE Contact Hours by watching some of the recordings.

Aimee Sharp
MACRA final rule

CMS Releases MACRA Final Rule for 2017

In October, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) announced the Medicare Access & CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 (MACRA) final rule for 2017

Sarah McIlvaine
Capital Nursing Education

How to Get Continuing Education Contact Hours From Capital Nursing Education (CNE) Webinars

Want to ensure that you receive CE Contact Hours from Capital Nursing Education (CNE) webinars? We are here to help!

Brooke Phillips, CWCMS
home health agency payment changes

CMS Finalizes 2017 Home Health Agency Payment Changes

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has issued the final rule on home health Medicare payment changes for 2017.

Sarah McIlvaine
reduce hospital readmissions

8 Ways Home Healths Can Reduce Hospital Readmissions

Home care providers are able to reduce hospital readmissions rates during the critical 30 days following discharge. Here are a few ways to to do it.

Sarah McIlvaine
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