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Warning signs of caregiver depression

How to Put On an Adult Diaper

For caregivers new to adult diapers, it may be easiest to start with your loved one lying down. Learn how to change an adult diaper in five easy steps.

Brooke Phillips, CWCMS
remove an adult diaper

How to Take Off an Adult Diaper

Changing an adult diaper for the first time can be a little daunting. These eight easy steps can help create a comfortable, low-stress experience.

Brooke Phillips, CWCMS
shield healthcare newsletter

May eNews: National Nurses Week and More

Welcome to the Shield HealthCare Newsletter for May 2017. Our articles this month focus on nurses, ostomies and urological products.

Aimee Sharp
Ostomy Terms

Overview of the GI Tract Before and After Ostomy Surgery

What is an ostomy and why is it needed? An ostomy is a surgical operation that creates a new outside opening for body wastes. The opening is called a stoma.

Laura Cox, LPC
how to care for a wound at home

Laceration Care: How to Care for a Wound at Home

Learn how to care for a wound at home that has been stapled, sutured, taped, glued or simply left open to heal, and watch out for these signs of infection.

Brooke Phillips, CWCMS
Declining an Interview

Professionally Declining an Interview

It is never a good idea to turn down an interview when searching for new employment. However, if you have successfully secured a new position or find yourself no longer interested in an opportunity it is important to turn down a further interview professionally. Doing this is a courtesy to both the company and other… Continue reading Professionally Declining an Interview

Jessica Kolber
free webinars

Shield HealthCare Educational Webinar Schedule 2017

Here you can find information about all of the free webinars we held in 2017. For healthcare professionals, you may receive CE Contact Hours by watching some of the recordings.

Aimee Sharp
Dress for an interview

Dressing for Success: 5 Tips to Impress During a Job Interview

The clothes you wear to an interview can affect your performance. Follow our top tips about how to dress for an interview and land your dream job!

Jessica Kolber
job interview

Nailing the Job Interview: Top 5 Do’s and Don’ts

With so much interview advice available, it can be difficult to assess what to do in during your next opportunity. We’ve broken it down.

Jessica Kolber
Interview Tips

Interview Tips: Prepping for the Interview

Use these interview tips to help secure your next job! Find suggestions for how to act and what to bring when you head in.

Jessica Kolber
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