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Prevent Pressure Injuries

Move Every Two: Repositioning Patients to Prevent Pressure Injuries

While some pressure injuries are unavoidable, most can be prevented. An effective way to prevent these injuries is by moving the patient frequently.

John Maynard

Celebrating our Shield HealthCare Veterans

This year for Veterans Day, we reached out to our fellow veteran employees to see if they would be willing to share their stories. We were grateful when three of our vets volunteered to do a short interview with us to tell us about their service. It has been wonderful getting to better know our… Continue reading Celebrating our Shield HealthCare Veterans

Aimee Sharp

Press Release: Shield HealthCare Announces 15th Caregiver Story Contest

Looking for information about our most recent Caregiver Contest? Valencia, CA, September 21, 2015 – Shield HealthCare, a leading provider of home-delivered medical supplies, is celebrating a milestone year of its annual caregiver story contest on “What Makes Caregiving Rewarding?” In this 15th anniversary year, Shield HealthCare is excited to announce the addition of video entries to… Continue reading Press Release: Shield HealthCare Announces 15th Caregiver Story Contest

Aimee Sharp
How to bolus feed / Cómo alimentar en bolo

Tube Feeding: How to Bolus Feed/Syringe Feed

Bolus feeding is a type of feeding method using a syringe to deliver formula through your feeding tube. It may also be called syringe or gravity feeding.

Amy Long Carrera, MS, RD, CNSC, CWCMS
How to attend webinar

How to Register and Attend Our Webinars

Are you interested in attending one of our upcoming or past recorded webinars but aren't sure how to register? We can help!

Aimee Sharp
2015 webinars

Shield HealthCare Educational Webinar Schedule 2015

Here you can find information about all of the free webinars we held in 2015. For healthcare professionals, you may receive CE Contact Hours by watching some of the recordings.

Aimee Sharp

History of Shield HealthCare

The Shield Story Shield HealthCare was founded in 1957 as a small prescription pharmacy business and has since developed not only as a leading provider of incontinence, urology, ostomy, enteral nutrition, and wound products, but also as a partner in the day-to-day lives of our customers. The Kobayashi Pharmaceutical Company purchased Shield in 1990, and in 2006 the… Continue reading History of Shield HealthCare

Chad Collins
Chicago Shield HealthCare

Shield Upsizes Operations

By HME News Staff for HME News VALENCIA, Calif. – Shield HealthCare has moved its sales and distribution operations in Chicago to Elmhurst, Ill. A new, larger facility there will allow the provider of home medical supplies to gain efficiencies as it responds to its growing customer population, according to a press release. Shield offers a… Continue reading Shield Upsizes Operations

Aimee Sharp
Happy Birthday Shield HealthCare

Celebrating 57 Years of Service

Happy Birthday Shield HealthCare! For more than 57 years, Shield HealthCare has been helping people with a physical need for disposable medical products...

Brooke Phillips, CWCMS
thank you to all veterans

A Warm Thank You to Our Country’s Heroes this 4th of July

On behalf of Shield HealthCare, thank you to all veterans and service members for your sacrifices and your service. From our family to yours, have a safe...

Brooke Phillips, CWCMS
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