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About Shield HealthCare

Watch this video to learn all about Shield HealthCare - we've been providing our customers with necessary medical supplies since 1957.

Aimee Sharp
Kidney Stone

This Is How Long It Takes to Pass a Kidney Stone

By Emily DiNuzzo for Readers Digest Passing a kidney stone can be extremely painful and, in some cases, impossible without medical treatment like surgery. If you are passing a kidney stone, it would be great to know just how long you must endure the pain before it’s over. The short answer, however, is that it depends… Continue reading This Is How Long It Takes to Pass a Kidney Stone

Aimee Sharp
career openings at Shield Healthcare

Career Openings At Shield HealthCare

Shield HealthCare is now hiring! We pride ourselves on our commitment to provide quality healthcare services to the community. See our latest job openings:

Brooke Phillips, CWCMS
2018 Caregiver Contest

Shield HealthCare’s 17th Annual Caregiver Contest: Tips for Care at Home

Shield HealthCare is celebrating its 17th Caregiver Contest by asking for Tips for Care at Home. Enter to win!

Aimee Sharp
2018 Holiday Delivery Schedule

2018 Holiday Delivery Schedule

Looking for Shield HealthCare's 2018 holiday delivery schedule? We have all the information here, including when Shield HealthCare's call center will be open.

Aimee Sharp
put yourself in their shoes

Caregiver Contest Finalist Lance: Put Yourself in Their Shoes

When asked what advice he would give to his fellow caregivers, Lance C. answered with "put yourself in their shoes." Read on to learn why.

Aimee Sharp
give yourself grace

Caregiver Contest Finalist Natalie: Give Yourself Grace

When asked what advice she would give to her fellow caregivers, Natalie F. answered with "give yourself grace." Read on to learn why.

Aimee Sharp
Diaper Genie

Caregiver Contest Finalist Shirley: Diaper Genie

In Shirley M.'s advice for her fellow caregivers, she recommends using a Diaper Genie for anyone who is caring for those in need of incontinence supplies.

Aimee Sharp
Don't Take It Personally

Caregiver Contest Finalist Genee: Don’t Take It Personally

When asked what advice she would give to her fellow caregivers, Genee G. answered with "don't take it personally." Read on the learn why.

Aimee Sharp
Get Involved

Caregiver Contest Finalist Tina: Jump In and Get Involved

Tina T. is from Washington, and was one of forty finalists chosen out of the over 1,000 entries to our “What Advice Would You Give to a Fellow Caregiver?” Contest. You can find our grand prize and runner up winners here. What advice would you give a fellow caregiver? I have been an RN for 12… Continue reading Caregiver Contest Finalist Tina: Jump In and Get Involved

Aimee Sharp
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