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Press Release: Shield HealthCare Readers’ Choice Award Winners

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE     February 29, 2012 SHIELD HEALTHCARE ANNOUNCES READERS’ CHOICE CONTEST WINNERS Valencia, CA – Shield HealthCare, a leading provider of medical supplies for care at home, is pleased to announce its 1st annual Readers’ Choice Award Winners. Shield HealthCare received a record number of caregiver stories in the 11th annual “What Makes Caregiving… Continue reading Press Release: Shield HealthCare Readers’ Choice Award Winners

Gina Flores

The-Signal News Feature Story: Preparation For A Boom

Shield HealthCare featured in The-Signal, Santa Clarita Valley News, 2/5/12 edition Preparation For A Boom By Sara Mitchell, Staff Writer The health care industry is anticipating rapid growth as the baby boomers approach retirement age. The 65-plus population saw the largest increase of any age group between the 2000 and 2010 censuses — it increased by… Continue reading The-Signal News Feature Story: Preparation For A Boom

Gina Flores

Shield HealthCare Caregiver Story Contest Begins

Shield HealthCare, a leading provider of medical supplies for care at home, is pleased to announce its 11th annual story contest on “What Makes Caregiving Rewarding?” designed to recognize and hear the voice of caregivers and home healthcare professionals, featuring celebrity contest judge, Sandra Mitchell of KCAL 9/CBS 2 News. Shield Healthcare understands that caregiving… Continue reading Shield HealthCare Caregiver Story Contest Begins

Gina Flores
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