How I Maintain A Positive, Optimistic and Flexible Frame Of Mind I will begin with full transparency – I do not have a clear and positive mindset every day. The ebbs and flows of daily life can oscillate like ocean waves that sweep my unchecked emotions into turbulent white water. As, too, my body’s fluctuating… Continue reading A Pivot Mindset
My fear of becoming a father with a spinal cord injury vanished the moment Cayla was placed in my arms. I was scared I would not have the energy or strength to spare to rear another life. I was wrong.
I often use the term mindful movement when describing how I manage my time, energy and risk with a spinal cord injury. I have come to understand that I must be hyper-aware and very precise with how I move physically and treat myself to prevent further injury that would most certainly compound the difficulty I… Continue reading The Meaning of Mindful Movement
Celebrate Safely With the holidays fast approaching and COVID-19 seeming to make a second surge, our days of celebrating may look a little different this year than in years past. As someone living with a compromised immune system due to spinal cord injury, I have always been hyper-aware of my surroundings – what I’m touching,… Continue reading An Unconventional Holiday Season
A Weightless Environment For SCI Wellness Water is the abundant and essential compound of which all known living organisms cannot live without, but it is also my estuary for pain management, physical improvement and ultimately, longevity. Five months post-injury, I was introduced to aquatic therapy when I was transferred from my electric wheelchair via a… Continue reading The Benefits of Water Therapy
The onset of a spinal cord injury is devastating on so many levels, for so many reasons, not only for the patient, but also for the family and community of friends. Most often the dust hasn’t settled before the acute, in-patient insurance coverage runs out, the hospital stay is over and people are left asking… Continue reading The First 90 Days: Spinal Cord Injury Recovery
Spinal Cord Injury Awareness Month With the advent of social media, it seems every calendar month has been earmarked with a particular cause for awareness. For spinal cord injury, that month is September. Thirty days are designated to highlight and draw attention, and thus increase fund raising for all aspects of the condition. Science and… Continue reading September Is…
Fatherhood Fears For many years I have held a worrisome little fear in the back of my mind: “Can I be a good, helpful father despite my spinal cord injury?” After all, I am a big baby, an adult-sized child with many needs. I require additional time, energy and financial resources from my wife and… Continue reading Can I Be A Good Father With A Spinal Cord Injury?
My Top 7 Accessible Adventure Travel Organizations Despite COVID-19 getting in the way of everyone’s travel plans for the year, there is still plenty of time to daydream about your next adventure! I’ve written before about some of my outdoor adventures with amazing organizations (read one here). In this blog, I’d like to highlight and… Continue reading How to Find Accessible Adventures
Kirk Williams C6-7 Quadriplegic fishing from his uniquely modified adventure van “Spock” The great outdoors, nature and all her majesty is where I like to be most. I grew up wandering the coastline and redwood forest of central California, hiking, biking, camping and fishing deep in the wild world. Some of my fondest early memories… Continue reading Adapt the Adventure: Exploring Off-Road with SCI