Aaron Baker explores mobility in the city by visiting US cities to see how accessible their public transportation and tourist destinations are.
Aaron Baker, Spinal Cord Injury Lifestyle Specialist, answers spinal cord injury questions and candidly discusses tips regarding rehabilitation and more.
Check out Rahul’s question to Aaron Baker, our Spinal Cord Injury Lifestyle Specialist, about how to combat having a spastic body: Aaron: I have c6 injury in March 2016 and right now I have lots of spasm in my whole body spastic body. Am taking 60mg Baclofan tablet but there it’s not doing anything. The… Continue reading Dealing with a Spastic Body | Ask Aaron
Shield HealthCare's spinal cord injury community is made up of wonderful individuals. We have curated an extensive perspective of living with SCI.
What a ride it has been… Looking back at the past twenty years, it is hard for me to wrap my head around the story of my life after injury: the many epic adventures, the deep struggles, the immense love and the darkest days. The achievements and the painful lessons all while managing the exhausting,… Continue reading 20 Years With SCI: A Long Road…
All things get damaged during transport - just look at your luggage! For those who travel with chairs and other devices, airline damage can be unavoidable.
Katie and Aaron Baker celebrate their participation in the 2019 Wings For Life World Run in Vienna, Austria. 100,000+ Run to Fund Spinal Cord Injury Research In addition to the Wings For Life Scientific Meeting, I was lucky enough to participate in the Wings For Life World Run in the SOLD OUT flagship event in… Continue reading The World Runs for Spinal Cord Injury
Every year in May, scientists from all over the world travel to Salzburg, Austria to discuss their most recent discoveries in spinal cord injury research.
“I knew nobody else like me,” says Wendy, age 48. Then last fall she met Zaela. It was the first time Wendy met someone with the same level spinal lesion...
Preparing for an Incontinence Episode For the most part, the human body is a wonder of nature, a miraculous marvel of bio-mechanical intelligence. But it can also sometimes create an utter catastrophe of unintended dysfunction. One of the most private natural functions of the body is eliminating waste. This normal act can easily become one… Continue reading Accidents Happen