In this article by one of spinal cord injury survivor authors, Sam Morris discusses the fear of the unknown that paralyzed him after his accident.
Autonomic Dysreflexia is a dangerous complication of SCI. Make sure you know what triggers it for you, how to prevent it and what to do when it happens.
For the wheelchair user daunted by challenges in accessing natural sights, rest assured that there are plenty of accessible options to explore in Big Sky.
In this video, you'll find Aaron using a wheelchair in Washington, D.C. and exploring the public transportation scene.
The method of wheelchair transfers you use depends on your individual situation but will evolve as your strength and ability improve.
A weekly trip to the grocery store can be a big ordeal with a spinal cord injury. With the right planning, it can be an efficient and enjoyable experience.
Meeting someone with a SCI for the first time can be a little intimidating. Here's my friend Justin's perspective on what it was like the first time we met.
Ten years ago, a car accident left me paralyzed with a spinal cord injury. I still get asked, "How do you do it?" Here's how.
In this video, you'll find Aaron using a wheelchair in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and exploring the public transportation scene.
Our Spinal Cord Injury Lifestyle Specialist recently made a road trip up the coast of California, from Los Angeles to the Santa Clara Valley for a very special event. The Santa Clara Valley Medical Center was the host for the first annual, adaptive water sports event "Day On The Lake."