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Aaron in bed getting coffee

How a Good Bed Can Enhance Your Life

My wheelchair has been measured, designed and tested out for my exact liking, so why shouldn’t my bed be considered in the same way?

Aaron Baker
Living with SCI afternoon routine

Living with SCI: Midday Routine

PART 2: Afternoons As I described in the first part of this blog series, my morning routine is aimed towards being productive and intentional. Looking to years past, my midday routine has always varied based on my employment or athletic endeavors. Prior to my daughter’s arrival, which took place during the COVID-19 pandemic, I spent… Continue reading Living with SCI: Midday Routine

Aaron Baker

Support Groups For Spinal Cord Injury

When You Need Group Support In full transparency, I’ll admit, early in my recovery I was not at all interested in attending the spinal cord injury support group that was offered every Thursday at my hospital’s community center. I would often boycott the mandatory powwow of fifteen, or so, attendees made up of mostly chronically… Continue reading Support Groups For Spinal Cord Injury

Aaron Baker

Understanding the Americans with Disabilities Act

An Overview Of Our Civil Rights A few years ago I visited the San Francisco Bay area and Berkley, California, to film our Shield Healthcare video series, Mobility In The City. While there, I had the privilege of touring The Center for Independent Living, an organization that helps increase awareness, collaboration and opportunity among people… Continue reading Understanding the Americans with Disabilities Act

Aaron Baker
Aaron Baker on Tamron Hall

Aaron Baker on Tamron Hall

Small Steps, Big Changes Almost 25 years ago, Shield HealthCare’s Spinal Cord Injury Lifestyle Specialist Aaron Baker – a former professional motocross athlete – suffered a spinal cord injury that nearly took his mobility. Aaron not only learned to walk again, but he has biked across the U.S. twice and trained to be on the… Continue reading Aaron Baker on Tamron Hall

Brooke Phillips, CWCMS

Top Articles for Nutritional Guidance

Nutrition Guidance For A Higher Quality Of Life Did you know that Shield Healthcare has an entire section of their online community dedicated to nutrition? This resource has been very informative for me when I’m searching for answers, guidance, or maybe just tips for new ways to prepare foods I already enjoy. I am always… Continue reading Top Articles for Nutritional Guidance

Aaron Baker
adaptive winter sports

Adaptive Winter Sports

The Mountains Are Calling I spent many years sitting at the bottom of mountains, staring up at the snow covered peaks. From my wheelchair I’d sulk as skiers, snowboarders and sledders shredded their way down powdered hills with grins ear to ear, while I sat and dreamed of one day returning to the cold weather… Continue reading Adaptive Winter Sports

Aaron Baker
aaron baker morning routine

Living with SCI: Morning Routine

PART 1: Mornings As we move into 2023, I look to the past to see what worked, what did not work, where can I improve, and what new goals I want to achieve. Aging comes with its challenges, but aging well with a spinal cord injury is a whole new game! I use the last… Continue reading Living with SCI: Morning Routine

Aaron Baker

Spinal Cord Injury Clinical Trial Finder

A Website To Match SCI Patients With Clinical Trials For the past eight years I have been intimately involve with the spinal cord injury research foundation, Wings For Life. As a member of the Board of Directors, USA, I have known about many exciting clinical trials and projects that have all shown promise in one… Continue reading Spinal Cord Injury Clinical Trial Finder

Aaron Baker

Top 12 Films About a Spinal Cord Injury

About Spinal Cord Injury I recently wrote a blog detailing the Red Bull Films Documentary “Any One Of Us” featured on HBO. I pondered for a moment the impact that film had on me, and others like it. That is why I decided to list out my top 12 films & documentaries that either depict… Continue reading Top 12 Films About a Spinal Cord Injury

Aaron Baker
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I have a trip coming up and I am having trouble envisioning how I can safely and hygienically self-catheterize in a typical men’s restroom stall.
Travel can be intimidating with all the unknown variables, especially when it comes to using bathroom facilities that may be less accessible, unkempt and under-equipped. My best defense against this is a strong offense, meaning preparation!