It may be common knowledge, but preventing a pressure injury is much easier than the treatment of one.
Bring Access With You Get out and go see the world… Remember that from 2019? It has been two years since COVID-19 first forced us inside and to reimagine how we would live life. We put away dreams of a summer vacation, trips to see the family during the holidays, and even a drive to… Continue reading The Road Less Traveled
“Everything Is A Vibration.” – Albert Einstein Music, sounds and frequencies can be used to impact human health in many ways. There are specific audibles that are regarded in alternative medicine to be particularly healing for the human body. While the concept that sound frequencies can actually alter human consciousness and promote healing sounds a… Continue reading Sound Therapy
Art as Therapy Art was always a part of my life growing up. As a little boy, I loved to draw with pencils and crayons, and finger paint with watercolors, gauche or oils. Art class was the highlight of a school day. It was a time when I could fall deep into a wonderland rabbit… Continue reading Healing After Injury: Therapy, Expression… Recovery
A Pleasant Experience For My Wife, Baby & Me We were headed West on Interstate 40, happy and joyful from our recent visit with my grandfather in Northern Texas. This was Cayla’s (our 7 month old daughter) first road trip, and our first as a young family, so we decided to extend the trip by… Continue reading Accessible Grand Canyon
Back To School… Or Work How many times have you heard it? “2020 has thrown me a curve ball” and 2021 has not been much different. The impact of COVID-19 has led to many variations of what a “typical” day entails. Whether you have switched to working from home, virtual learning for your children, or… Continue reading Six Tips For A Productive Day
“Mindful breathing isn’t difficult, we just need to remember to do it.” – Sharon Salzberg Six days after my accident, while in ICU, fully paralyzed and strapped to a rotating bed, I was intubated on a ventilator and fed through a tube. I was about to go from bad to worse. My lungs filled with… Continue reading A Few Simple Steps For Mindful Breathing
There are Winter and Summer Paralympic Games that coincide with the Olympics every four years. The six broad categories for competition are: amputee, cerebral palsy, intellectual disability, wheelchair, vision impairment, and “others.”
A calendar or list of helpful online resources and events for our spinal cord injury community.
We all age... and many things that were once easy become more difficult. This is true for everyone, but especially people with a spinal cord injury.