
Our Glittery Masks Aren’t About Fashion, They’re About Hope

If there is any spark of joy to be had, I will leap on it – whether that be mask bling or homemade sourdough or the hand-painted rocks...

Jamie Sumner
mommy burnout

COVID-19 Mommy Burnout

It’s been 6 months and we are still working through COVID-19 and its dangers...The back and forth is exhausting, draining and it leads to mommy burnout. 

Dr. Liz Matheis
sensory-friendly Halloween

Navigating a Sensory-Friendly Halloween

We're learning to make the world a little less fearful for our son...including a sensory-friendly Halloween that the whole family can enjoy. 

Jamie Sumner

Why I Prefer Self-Kindness to Self-Care

As a full-time caregiver, finding time for self-care can feel like a tall order. Instead of adding to your to-do list, try practicing self-kindness.

Alethea Mshar
social distancing activities for fall

Six Social Distancing Activities for Fall

Autumn has arrived & it’s a wonderful time to celebrate these past six months in quarantine...keep reading for fun social distancing activities for fall.

Jamie Sumner
Concerns for the 2020-2021 school year_

6 Concerns Every Parent Has for the 2020-2021 School Year

This year comes with a newfound level of anxiety and questioning...Dr. Liz Matheis addresses 6 common concerns for the 2020-2021 school year.

Dr. Liz Matheis
applied behavioral analysis

Getting Started with Applied Behavior Analysis

Applied behavior analysis isn’t for everyone, but it’s helping my child live his best life.

Alethea Mshar

During Quarantine I’ve Missed This Sign of Life

Quarantine safety precautions are now so common that they have fallen all the way to the ranks of trash.

Jamie Sumner

An Open Letter to Our Teachers

This year looks different, feels different, and is so very different. As a parent, I stand with our teachers, ready to work together for a year that will make history.

Alethea Mshar
Sensory Processing Disorder

Navigating School Re-openings with a Sensory Processing Disorder

We fully support our school’s effort to keep the building safe...However, each of these is its own obstacle for Charlie’s sensory processing disorder...

Jamie Sumner
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