My Son is Vulnerable to COVID-19, and I Need Help To Keep Him Safe

Yesterday morning I got a call from my son’s Endocrinologist’s office. The blood work that I had postponed due to stay at home orders nearly a month ago still hasn’t been done, and with the recent changes in his thyroid medication, the blood tests are necessary follow up. I spent the day making phone calls… Continue reading My Son is Vulnerable to COVID-19, and I Need Help To Keep Him Safe

Alethea Mshar

Parents, Take Care of Yourselves During COVID-19

As human beings, we have the ability to adapt to a new schedule, a new environment, a different routine within 2 weeks. But that still doesn’t take away our adult worry about a few key questions...

Dr. Liz Matheis
Easter egg hunts

This is How We do Easter Egg Hunts for Our Special Needs Child

I stepped aside...It was independence and inclusion and honestly, a lot more fun than the original. This was Easter egg hunting re-vamped.

Jamie Sumner
Parenting COVID-19

Holding On to Your Parenting Sanity During COVID-19

Trying to multi-task several large roles right now is very difficult for every parent. We are learning our children’s subjects so that we can teach them...

Dr. Liz Matheis
Balancing High Expectations with a Complex Child

Balancing High Expectations with a Complex Child

Finding the balance between being a safe place to land and having great expectations has been one of the trickiest parts of parenting my kids, and one of the most important.

Alethea Mshar

Childhood Bullying: Know the Signs & How to Talk to Your Child

Modern-day bullying can look much different then it did in the past. Learn how to spot the signs of a child thats being bullied and how to stay in the loop.

Dr. Liz Matheis
First Lost Tooth

First Lost Tooth: Not All Good Things Take Work

Yesterday, my son, Charlie, who has cerebral palsy, lost his first tooth. You’re probably thinking, “Big deal. Wahoo.” But I’d like to stop right here and say, yes…big deal and wahoo.

Jamie Sumner
School is Closed

School is Closed, We’re Stuck at Home, Now What?

This is new to all of us, and we are figuring it out as we go. We set a goal of getting through these tough times with laughter and love...

Alethea Mshar
cerebral palsy

Celebrating a Big Win in Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month

This March, Charlie turns eight...And it’s only appropriate that it happens during Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month, the month in which we celebrate all the Charlie has overcome and will continue to overcome.

Jamie Sumner
the end of the school year

Getting Through to the End of the School Year

As you and your child are getting ready for the end of the school year, you are likely anxious about several things...We are all right there with you.

Dr. Liz Matheis
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