The truth is, you can never be entirely prepared—the coronavirus, tornadoes, housing crises, cancer, car wrecks—they come of their own accord.
While I hope the Covid 19 outbreak quickly becomes a thing of the past, I urge us all to learn and remember the lessons of the present situation. Handwashing saves lives.
It took my son 15 months to his diagnosis for his first rare disease...His Primary Immunodeficiency wasn’t diagnosed until he was 11.
As a parent of a child with ADHD...You are constantly surveying the environment and trying to accommodate your child so that he can perform at his best.
This article explores the maze of requirements that families of children with disabling health conditions must go through to obtain medical equipment.
The Spoon Theory: When living with a disability or caring for someone who is, you may find yourself thinking about how you conserve/spend energy (spoons).
I can’t wait to look Doctor C in the eye and thank him for issuing that challenge so long ago, to tell him I never stopped trying, and to show him how far we have come.
If you are a parent of a child or children with special needs, I know how tired you are at the end of each day. Finding time to connect with your kids each day is tough.
No one is going to take care of your child like you do. But if you want to keep doing that great job, you need to step away. Learn how to make the most of respite care.
There is nothing greater in my life than finding someone who has mastered the art of Empathy. Someone who listenss without interrupting, focuses on the speaker, or can admit they don’t know what to say.