With the new school year well underway, use these 3 small changes you can make to your daily routine to help make your home environment a positive one!
Our Down syndrome awareness has grown up right along with our son, and it will keep on growing and changing.
Writing is activism in the best sense. It presents worlds with a cornucopia of multi-faceted characters, because no one is just one kind of person.
Your child is bright, creative, and clearly has many areas of skills. In theory, that should make it so that relating to peers is easy right? Well, not exactly.
We make our choices with excellent advice from doctors we trust and in agreement with each other. All in the name of “quality of life”.
With the abundance of information about ADHD available to us every day, it is important for us to clarify some of the misinformation that is out there.
These stories are many, not few. For these drivers, carrying our children is not just a job. It’s a way to love the community.
Multiple Sclerosis, meaning multiple areas of scarring, is a disease of the central nervous system (brain, spinal cord, and optic nerves).
Someday, maybe, the pendulum will swing back and I will find the perfect scenario that gives me the outlet I desire and the flexibility my family requires.
So when I begin to hug my coffee tighter and fret over the future, this is my own goal, a personal IEP for Mom: I will...