Happy Mother’s Day to the Grandma of My Special Kid

So on this Mother’s Day, I would like to remind you of what I hope you already know: I am so grateful for you. Thank you for raising me to be uniquely suited to take care of my special boy. I mother the way I do because of you.

Jamie Sumner

Label or Not Here We Come

Labels can get a bad rap when they’re applied to people. Ideally, we’d have a world where everyone is accepted as they are and neurodiversity and disabilities need no explanation.

Alethea Mshar

You Are NOT Alone – Parents of Children with Special Needs Suffering from PTSD

Parenting a child with special needs is a tough job. Take the time to check in with yourself and take comfort in knowing you are not alone in this journey.

Dr. Liz Matheis
Swim Lessons

Here’s Why My Kids Haven’t Had Swim Lessons Yet

Most days, the viewing area of my twins’ gymnastic’s class is fairly tame. The parents sit, work, chat, drink coffee, and enjoy the fact that for forty-five minutes our children are being tired out by a responsible adult who is not us. Recently, however, I walked into a different scene. Five minutes into the session,… Continue reading Here’s Why My Kids Haven’t Had Swim Lessons Yet

Jamie Sumner

When Sleep Is Elusive

My first child, who is developmentally typical, slept eight hours at a stretch by the time she was a month old. Having achieved sleep guru status, I declared myself “Supermom,” and assumed that I could solve the problems of every parent and every child for whom sleep didn’t occur so readily. Fast-forward twenty years and… Continue reading When Sleep Is Elusive

Alethea Mshar

Navigating Childhood and Learning How to Self-Cath

If your child requires self-catheterization at school and is developmentally ready, it can be helpful for him or her to begin learning at an early age, possibly even as early as kindergarten.

Sarah Sanchez, NDTR
Child’s IEP

4 Questions to Ask Before Your Child’s IEP Annual Review Meeting

Annual review season is here, and your child’s meeting is probably already on your schedule. As a former School Psychologist on the Child Study Team (CST), I know that annual review meetings are coming, which means you need to get ready to make the most of this important Individualized Education Plan (IEP) meeting. For some, this… Continue reading 4 Questions to Ask Before Your Child’s IEP Annual Review Meeting

Dr. Liz Matheis

Emergency Preparedness: Tube Feeding

Now matter where you live, it is always important to prepare for a natural disaster. Learn how to maintain an emergency kit for survival and tube feeding.

Sarah Sanchez, NDTR
Communication Device

The Best Freebie I Ever Received – An Accessory for My Son’s Communication Device

I own approximately two and a half things from Lululemon. The half is a scarf/wrap/shawl that I never know how to wear, but bought because it was seventy percent off and how could I not? The rest of the time I am a card-carrying member of Target, because you should always have the option of… Continue reading The Best Freebie I Ever Received – An Accessory for My Son’s Communication Device

Jamie Sumner
Essential Oils

Research, Experts and Essential Oils

I’m a crunchy mama. I make almost all of our meals from scratch, as much as possible from out own chemical-free garden, and I have lavender essential oil on hand at any given moment. I am a smoothie connoisseur, flax seed makes me happy, I take supplements, and prescriptions, side by side. I’m an experienced… Continue reading Research, Experts and Essential Oils

Alethea Mshar
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