Parenting a Child with Asperger Syndrome

Amy Long Carrera, MS, RD, CNSC, CWCMS
Registered Dietitian Nutritionist
04/20/16  9:17 PM PST
Down Syndrome boy and mother

A child with Asperger syndrome is considered to be on the more highly functioning end of the autism spectrum disorder. He may have a different way of interacting with his environment, including repetitive actions or speech, awkward mannerisms, trouble expressing emotion and lack of eye contact during a conversation. “My Aspergers Child” shares 40 parenting strategies to help you raise your child with Aspergers syndrome.

From My Aspergers Child

You may have just discovered that your youngster has a diagnosis of Asperger’s (AS) or High-Functioning Autism (HFA), and you are thinking “What now?” …or you may have a youngster who you know is different …or a health professional has said that he or she has some traits of autism, but is still considered in the normal range. You may be feeling overwhelmed, and it may seem like you are the only person or family going through these issues.

Is your child intolerant to certain types of food? Have you noticed that she doesn’t like loud noises, bright lights, tight or loose fitting clothes – and reacts inappropriately to any of these particular things? Does your youngster crave fast movement, or is he almost impossible to get moving in the morning? Does your youngster’s specific behavioral problems seem worse after lunch or a party? Do you find routines hard to establish and maintain?

All these issues may seem very daunting at the moment. However, with experience and help, you can teach your youngster to rule his AS or HFA traits rather than have his traits rule him. There are many things you can do to help your youngster better understand the world – and function successfully in it. Below are some crucial ideas that you may find helpful.

Read the full article at My Aspergers Child

Help your child with Asperger syndrome build social skills by watching our recorded webinar:

You can find Shield HealthCare articles relating to building skills for children with special needs below:

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